19. Stuck - Harry

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Stuck - Harry

I can tell something is off right when I walk into the hotel because Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis are standing in the lobby, waiting for me.

"Hey guys, don't we have a meeting?" I ask.

"We were supposed too," Liam replies, his lips pursed.

"Rick hasn't shown up yet," Zayn explains.

"Did he say where he went?"

"No, we haven't seen him all day."

"Where have you been, Harry?" Louis questions, his arms crossed.


"Why is your hair wet?"

"I went swimming."

"With Rose?"

"Yeah, why does it matter?"

"It doesn't. Just wondering."

Seconds later, Rick bursts through the doors to the hotel, walking straight up to us.

"Where were you?" Niall asks him.

Rick looks at him like he couldn't believe that he just asked him that question.

"Why are you so eager to know?"

"Well, you're late to our meeting."

"I changed my mind. We're not having a meeting."

I scoff and exit the hotel. If Rick might have mentioned earlier that we weren't having a meeting, then I wouldn't have had to leave Rose. It's still early in the day though, so when I get to my car, I call her and tell her that I'm coming to pick her up.


I pull into Rose's driveway, and instead of using the door, I crawl into her window again. She's waiting for me this time though.

"I see you didn't whip out your knife," I say, chuckling.

"I had a feeling you would be coming in this way."

"Sorry I left you earlier."

"It's fine. I took a taxi."

"So are you ready to head back to my place?"

"I sure am."

"Ladies first," I say, gesturing towards the window.

"Why thank you, kind sir."

After I help Rose push herself out the window, I put my legs through. But as I'm sliding out, the window shuts on me. I try to pull myself back into Rose's apartment, but I don't move at all.

"Are you okay?" I hear Rose say.

"I'm a little stuck."

All I hear behind me is laughter.

"You're bum is cute from this angle," she says, still cracking up.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"Yeah, hang on."

I hear footsteps, and then I hear nothing.

"Rose? Are you there?"

I get no answer, but I do see the front door fly open. Rose walks up to me and begins laughing again.

"This is beginning to hurt. Can you just get me out?"

"Yeah, yeah. Hold on."

Rose grabs her purse and searches for something. For what? I'm not sure. I don't think anything in there will help me get unstuck.

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