Chapter 41

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"Are you okay?" Marc asked me on the way out of the hospital.

Although, my mind was set on bigger problems and stress. How was I supposed to live with the fact that I can never have a baby? I'm not only killing my hopes and dreams, but also, Marc's. Even my dad. Marc will never be able to be a father. I'll never be a mother. And Dad will never be a grandfather.

I let the rain fall onto my face, letting the cold seep its way in. As we got into the car, all I could do was stare into oblivion. I started out the window, watching the world go by. I tucked my knees under my chin and held back the tears. The silence was deafening, but I couldn't find the words to say.

Pulling into the drive way, Marc asked again, "are you okay?"

Again, I couldn't answer. It's not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't lie to him. I couldn't say I was fine, when really, I was breaking inside. I swallowed back the tears, keeping them in.

Marc got out of the car and walked, slowly, to my side and opened the door. I wonder if he could tell I was broken. I tried not showing it, but I'm sure the expression was written all over my face.

He picked me up, gently, closed the car door, and ran into the house.

~~that night~~

I haven't said a word since we were at the hospital. I had kept quite all day, even though my thoughts were overloading. I found peace glaring up at the ceiling, as if it were a plea to God for help.

I laid there on my back, staying still. By now, Marc should be asleep. So, I let in all my worries and all my fears. I didn't know what else to do. The tears flowed hotly on my cheeks. I started to shake with sobs, as I cover my mouth to muffle them.

Suddenly, Marc rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his hold. Coming into contact with him, I sobbed harder. I couldn't fathom all my thoughts.

Marc rubbed my back and held me as I sobbed. I buried my face into his chest, wanting to stay there forever. He leaned his head on top of mine.

Then, I decided to say something, "Marc, I-I'm sorry.."

Marc pulled me back and gazed into my eyes, "why are you sorry?"

He brushed the hair from my cheeks and I hesitated to answer, trying to find the right words.

"Because I can't give you a baby. I can't fulfill those dreams you want. I can't give you a family." I sniffed, holding in my tears again.

"Oh, baby, " Marc paused, pulling me into his chest, "Those dreams don't matter. Honey, we could always adopt. It doesn't matter if it's ours or from another family. I just want us to give some love that we have for each other to someone else. Someone who'll use it to live on and look back on. That's my dream."

He kissed me on the forehead and left the conversation at that.

~~three weeks later~~

Sitting on the couch next to Marc, he stood up carefully.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'll be right back." Marc leaned down, kissed my forehead, and paused. 

Quickly, I realized what he was looking at. I reach my hand up, slowly, and touch Marc's dog tags around my neck.

"Now, how'd you get these?" Marc asks, straightening his back.

"You were in the shower this thought I might hold onto them for you." I say, smirking up at him.

Marc shook his head, slightly smiling, then left the room.

~~1 hour later~~

"Stephanie, would you come into the dining room please?" Marc called for me.

On my way into the dining room, darkness followed behind me. It started getting a softer light with each step. Walking into the dining room, I find Marc lighting candles and a dinner set up at the table.

"What's this?" I smile.

"This is something special for my special wife." Demarcus says over his shoulder, then walks over and pulls me out a chair.

Handing me a plate of spaghetti, we begin eating.

"Mm! This is Natasha's recipe!" I exclaim, savoring the flavor.

"I got it from her today." Marc says, watching me enjoy the meal, as he enjoys it himself.

"When?" I ask.

"I ran there this morning. I had to talk to Tony about transportation between here and the base. I figured out S.H.I.E.L.D has a supply jet from here to the base in the morning and comes back in the afternoon. I'll just take the supply hey between." Marc explained.

Nodding at his explanation, I keep eating. I've been in a pretty decent mood today, and I'd like to keep that up.

"Sounds like a good plan." I say, "what about the car? I don't have a car to drive."

He wiped his mouth and stood up, "that's where you're wrong... I might have gotten your dad to give up just one car of his. And one of the good ones, I might add." Marc smiles down at me.

I laughed, lightly, then stood up. Suddenly, I looked at him, and all I could think about was how much I love him. There's no one more perfect than he is. With him, my life is complete. I'm ready to get my life back on track, along with his.

"C'mon... I feel a little rough. I think that door upstairs needs to open up." I smirk.

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