Chapter 5- Brent

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I went to bed last night with lots of things on my mind. I woke up with lots of things on my mind. The main this was: Should I tell Niall? I was close to Niall and I believed he deserved to know but then again he might tell Harry.

My stomach was growing each day but I have been buying clothes to hide the bump. I get myself ready for school. I put on skirt with a loss fitting tank top with a blue jean jacket over it with flip flops. I was ready for this day to be over already. I get in my car a drive to school.

When I walk in I start to head to my first period when Brent stopped me. "Hey Amy, how are you today?"

"I am doing fine. You?"

"Oh I am good, hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?"

"Um yeah totally! Where at?"

"I was just thinking a coffee shop or something. Is that fine?"

"Yeah that's totally fine!" I said biting my lip.

We walked to first period together just chit chatting.

"We can ride in my car if that's fine with you?" He said to me with a smile.

"It is." I smiled back at him.

Class was starting and it was boring. About the middle of class Brent passed me a note. It said You look beautiful today. I smiled so big. I needed to hear that. I looked over at him and said thank you.

He seemed to like me and you know what he was not to bad himself but this afternoon I was going to tell him about my relationship with Harry and how I got pregnant. He needed to know before things got deeper.

I might be crazy for going out with this guy but I needed someone in my life who will be there for me and Brent seems like that type of guy. Then again I don't know much about him.

The day was long but when that last bell rung I was so happy and nervous at the same time. Brent told me he would meet me outside the front doors so I headed outside and sure enough there he was waiting on me. He smiled at me and lead me to his truck. It was a Chevy I guess all the guys here loved big trucks. Well duh it is the south. He started the car and headed to this cute little coffee shop. He ordered what he wanted than I just ordered water. He looked at me funny. I was about to pay when he stepped in and wanted to pay. I though that was so sweet. We sat down and just started to talk.

I started off the conversation by saying, "So tell me about yourself."

He smiled and stared to talk, "Well I am the quarter back for the football team, I got out of a relationship about 3 months ago with the completely annoying head cheer leader. I have grown a lot since I broke up with her. I was stuck I though the quarter back and the cheerleader was suppose to be together so I just went with what people told me."

I was surprised at how he was opening up to me.

"Tell me stuff about you."

Oh great here we go. I have to do this. I laughed a little and started to talk.

"Well Brent prepare yourself to be surprised.

He laughed a little and said, "okay"

"I moved here from London. I just got out of a serious relationship about 3 1/2 months ago. His name was Harry Styles." I saw his face go into complete shock. "We were very serious. We dated for about a year. He would always tell me I was the one. Until one day he decided we needed to break up because his career was taking off. He told me we would be back together one day because he loved me so much." I began tearing up. "About two and a half months ago I found out I" His face was still in complete shock. "Please don't think different of me."

There was silence for about 5 minutes. He finally broke the silence. ""

"For what Brent?"

"That you have to do this on your own. No young lady should have to do that! Have you told him?"

"No I haven't and I am not going to because he is living his dream and I don't want to bring a baby into his life."

"I understand. Amy I am not going to judge you because your having a baby some people might but I won't. I know I just meet you and we still have a lot to learn about each other but I will be by your side as your friend."

I smiled a little. "Thank you so much Brent. I need a friend to be by my side. My parents aren't really happy with me right now. So it feels good to have you here."

"No problem" he smiled at me. "How far along are you?"

"About 3 months."

"Are you excited?"

"More scared than excited."

He got up out of his chair and grabbed my hand. "Lets get out of here."

We walked out of the coffee shop. I smiled the whole way. It felt good to have a friend. For once I was happy since I found out I was pregnant. I hope he sticks around for a long time.

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