Chapter 10- Turning Out for the Good...Hopefully

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---Amy's POV---

I look at Harry deciding whether it was going to be good or bad. "Okay..well what about us and the baby?" I said to him.

"Look Amy, I know I have been a jerk. I shouldn't have let management tell me what to do. I shouldn't be going out to clubs and having sex every night. I know it's wrong and I am willing to change my ways for you. I love you Amy and I want you to be my girlfriend again. I want to show you off to the whole world. I also want to be apart of this baby's life. I want to be a father to it. I don't care what the media or fans say. I got you pregnant and I plan on being beside you every step of the way from now on."

Wow I didn't know what to say. That was touching and you can tell he meant it but I still have concerns.

"I accept your apology Harry. I want you in our baby girls life but..."

"It's a girl?" Harry interrupted me.

"Yes it is"

He smiled from ear to ear. "I am going to have a little girl. Wow."

"Yeah you will but I don't want her growing up in front of cameras all the time. I don't want her to see her daddy party all the time."

"I am telling you Amy. I am stopping all my old ways. I have to for you and this baby girl. I promise I will give her a perfect life. Do I promise it will be normal? No because it won't be. She has a dad that travels all around the world singing. That's not normal but it would be her life. She would have 4 uncles that would love and protect her more than any one will," He takes a deep breath and rubs his hands over his face, "I promise Amy, just trust me please."

"Harry I don't know what to say. When do you leave Nashville?"

"Tomorrow Morning at 10." He replied.

"Okay let me think about all this. Can we meet up at 8? At the coffee shop on east street?"

He looked at me with love in those beautiful green eyes. "Yeah that's fine. I will pick you up here at 8."

I give him a little smile. "Sounds good."

I walk him to the door. He gives me a hug and leaves.

I tell Brent he can come back to the living room. I tell him everything that happened.

He looked at me like I was stupid. "Are you going to take the douche bag back?"

"Don't call him that!! He was truly sorry I could see it in his eyes!." I was getting very angry.

"You are so stupid Amy!!!" He was yelling at me.

"Look here Brent! This is not easy as it looks! I loved that boy and he is the father of my baby!! If he is willing to work with me than I am going to work with him! I have only known you for 2 months and you think you can swoop in and be the father of my child! That's wrong of you! Your not the dad! Harry Styles is and deserves to love this baby more than I do!!"

"You are one hot girl Amy that's why I started to talk to you but then you told me you were pregnant. I was going to stay with you but nevermind. I don't wanna be in your little drama circle. Your a slut Amy."


Brent walks to the door. "MY PLEASURE." He slams the door behind him

Ugh I couldn't believe him. I wasn't even upset. I just need to start to think about what to do about Harry.

---The Next Morning---

After a long night of thinking I have decided what I am going to do. I jump in the shower. After I get out I go get something to eat. I was starving. I go back upstairs do my hair and make up. I go to my closet. Well since Harry knows I guess I can wear something to show off my bump. I wear a plan short sleeve tight v-neck which shows off my bump just perfect. I wear yoga pant and sandals. I didn't have many pants that fit me because I don't have the money to by a whole new closet of clothes.

I hear the door bell ring. I assumed it was Harry. I open the door and I was right.

"Hey how are you feeling?" He said to me with such care in his eyes.

"I am doing good. Sorry that I have to wear yoga pants. I don't really have any clothes that fit me."

"It's fine. You still look great. You ready to go?"

I smile at him. "Yeah let's go."

He opens the car door for me. When we arrive at the coffee shop we order what we want then go sit down.

I start the conversation. "Okay so I was thinking all night and I don't want to get back in a relationship with you right now but I do want you to be with me for every step of the way. When you prove to me you won't go out and party then I will be willing to get back into a relationship with you. I do love you Harry."

He smiled at me and replied. "I totally understand where you are coming from. I will prove to you. I promise I will. Oh and by the way I broke up with Lindsey right when you told me about the baby."

I smile at him. "Good"

"Are you still doing school here?"

"Well we go back in 3 days but I decided I am not going back because I am only going to get bigger. Mom and dad said its fine for me to drop out but I have to find a job to stay with them and if I do get a job when the baby turns one I have to move out."

He nodded his head and you could tell he was thinking. "Well I know this is a crazy question but would you want to move back to the UK and live with me? I could move out from Lou and I's place and I can get us a place of our own. You wouldn't have to work."

"Wow Harry...." I sit there for a few minutes just thinking. It was 9am and Harry had to soon get going. So I decided to answer him. "Harry....I would love to move in with you and get our own place."

He smiles so big. "This is great Amy. You can stay here for the next 2 weeks and start packing. I will fly out and we will move your stuff to the UK when tour is done. Wow this is just great!"

I just smile at him. We head out of the coffee shop. He held my hand out to the car. When we dropped me off we said goodbye until after two weeks. He promised me he would call and text each day. I was trusting him with my heart and baby. I couldn't believe how great this was turning out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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