Chapter 7- Telling the Boys

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I took a deep breath while I walk towards them. Niall runs up to me and give me a big hug.

"Amy I missed you so much!"

"I have missed you to Niall!"

All the other boys gave me a hug and we walked to our dinner table. We all chatted a bit. Mostly about how I miss the UK, how school was going and the boys tour. When we ran out of stuff to talk about I decided to bring up the pregnancy.

"Ok guys I have something to tell you. I don't know how you all will react but it's something I need to get out. Also you can not tell Harry. Promise?"

All of them said promise at the same time.

"Okay well about 4 months ago I started to get really sick and I didn't feel well at all. So to make a long story short...guy...I am...pregnant."

There eyes grow big.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Liam basically shouted out for everyone in the building to hear.

"Listen guys, this is Harry's baby."

"Amy you have to tell him! You can't just keep his baby out of his life!" Louis said sternly.

"Lou yes I can. He is all wrapped up in his career and going from one girl to the next. I don't want my baby around that. He will have no time for me anyways. That's why we broke up in the first place."

Lou was getting mad at me. I couldn't stand them mad at me. They are like my brothers.

Lou was raising his voice, "He loves you and you don't see that!!"

"No Lou I don't see that!! All I see is a guy going around and partying every night with a different girl!! He could careless about me! If he cared he would have already tried to get me back by now! If he has enough time to party than he should have enough time for me! But I guess not....I am sorry I just don't want my baby girl around that." I was in tears after I said that. I would not sit there and be yelled at. I got up and walked out to my car.

-Louis POV-

"It's a girl?" By the time I said that she stormed out crying. I can't believe I just yelled at her. I am such a jerk.

"I can't believe you just did that Lou." Niall looked at me with hate.

Liam had to chime in to. "Lou she was right. If Harry has time for partying than he should have time for her."

"I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to tell him. You came down on her pretty hard. She told us because she knew we could support her and help her but you just blew that." While Zayn said that I felt my heart drop. I was wrong.

I got up and ran outside. I saw her sitting in her car crying. I went over to her and opened her car door.

"Amy, I am sorry. I was wrong. If you don't want to tell Harry then we won't tell him. We are here to support you. I want to be in this baby's life if you let me."

She looked up at me and smiled just a little.

"It's ok Lou. I want all of you to be in her life. I want her to have the best 4 uncles any girl has."

"I promise I will be the best uncle to her. I am sorry Amy."

"It's ok. I forgive you."

The other guys came out and we all gave her a big hug. Wow I can't believe there will be a little baby girl in our lives soon.

I smiled at Amy and said, "I can't wait to meet her."

-Amy's POV-

It was hard tell them but I guess it was worth it in the end. I knew Lou would come to his seances. I can't wait to meet this little girl and I knew they were excited.

"Amy come to our concert tomorrow please!" Liam said with excitement.

"Guy what about Harry I don't really want to see him."

Zayn hands me a t-shirt. It was an XL. "Wear this it will hide the bump."

It was a one direction t-shirt. "Thanks Zayn! Can I bring a friend? His name is Brent and he has helped me threw a lot since I been here."

"Sure bring him!" Lou said.

I said goodby to them. I went home and called Brent and told him about the concert. He didn't really like 1D but he said he would go anyways. I was sorta excited to see the boys perform but nervous to see Harry.

Wow this was a long day. I knew tomorrow night would be late. I hop in bed and go right to sleep.

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