Chapter 1

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Lights of the cars are blinking. The sound of the engines starting is like a music to my ears. The cheer of the teenagers who wasn't supposed to be here. I also shouldn't be here, not just because my dad wouldn't allow me, but this is also illegal.

"Raine, I thought you wouldn't come." Zayn greeted me with a hug, so I hugged him back.

"Why? I always do, right?" I cheerfully said.

"Of course you do, you are a ninja." he laughed so I joined him.

Dad scold me so many times not to go to drag racing but he won't allow me to join the real racing so I'm here.

"So, you going to go next?" Zayn asked me as he wrapped his hand in my shoulder. Zayn is a hot guy. But I have no time for guys, he asked me if he could court me once but I said no, because guys, whether you like it or not, will just hurt you.

I nodded.

His other hand messed my hair, "that's my girl"

I smiled at him. "I'm nobody's girl, Zayn."

He chuckled.

And I walked to my car because I am the next one to race. I fixed my leather jacket as I went inside my baby Porsche. I'm excited because this is what I want, and also because this is illegal.

A girl with a mini skirt, holding a white flag, went infront of us. My opponent is a guy, I looked at him and winked. He grinned and said, "you're just a girl, babe."

I smirked at him, "Really? You act like one."

I started my engine and as soon as the girl signaled go. And I did. I don't need radio for music because the way how my car sounds gives me eargasm.

I shifted gear, and I was the one who is first. Money, come to mama. As I smirked I saw a dog running on my way and I suddenly lost my balance that caused the car to turn around and I bumped into a tree.

And the next thing I knew, I was in the prison, and infront of me is my mad father, because he doesn't know what to do with me anymore.

"What were you thinking, Raine?" he asked me.

I shrugged and I looked down my phone and opened my twitter. It was full of "are you okay" mentions.

"What? You didn't know? You almost died and you still don't know?!" I stared at my angry father and to my step mother who is looking at me with a pity in her eyes then looked back at my father. I rolled my eyes. And continued tweeting.

"Look at me, Raine Montez!" he yelled at me.

"What now?" I looked at him with a boring look.

"What is happening here?"

We heard a familiar voice, I sighed. There she is, the super girl who left.

"Your daughter joined an illegal drag racing, I already told her so many times, not to."

"That's why I joined." I told them.

I heard my father snort, so I smirked.

My mom looked at me. I avoided her eyes, because that was the same eyes who told me she loved me but she left me behind.

"What were you doing, Raine?" her soft voice asked me.

"Should I be the one asking you that? What are you doing here, I don't need you here."

She sighed.

She looked at my father, "She'll come with me in Doncaster."

I almost jumped at my seat, "WHAT?! No, I am not going anywhere with you!"

"Yes, you are." she told me.

"You cannot leave me behind and then come back to just tell me what to do." I shouted at her.

Why would she do that? Why would she act like she didn't leave me almost 14 years ago?

I started to go outside the prison because I know I can already. They already paid for my bail.

"I am still your mother." She angrily said.

I looked back and smirked. "The moment you left me to my father, that was the moment you stopped being my mother."

I went inside my baby Ford and held back my tears. I am not crying... not infront of them.

I packed my things as soon as I got up my bed, today is the day that my mom would force me to go to Doncaster, they said they will fetch me here. So I woke up the early as I can... to runaway. I am not going anywhere with her. No way.

I went down the stairs and opened the drawer where my car keys are. This is how I love my father's stupidity, he thinks I don't know where he put my car keys. He doesn't know that I knew it, so I have to pretend.

"Raine." my father called me. I innocently looked at him.

"You got up so early, are you excited?" I want to roll my eyes, but I tried not to.

I was never excited to be with my mother.

I nodded.

"They called me, they said they are on their way."

I tried my best to smile.

"I will miss you." my dad said.

I want to throw up right now. He hates me. Why would he miss me? If I know, he is excited because I am leaving his territory.

I just smiled again.

I went to my car and the guards opened the gate. Yes! I will be fucking free.

I drove my car but a van stopped infront of my way. So I stopped my car.

There she is...

"Why were you so early?" I sarcastically asked her.

"Because I know you will run away."

I let out a sigh. There's nothing left to do but be with her.

"If you can't beat them, join them."

Goodbye happy life.

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