Different City

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I moved last night when everything was dark. They hung lists up with our old numbers and our new number right in the kitchen. We were only given an hour to get to our new square mile. It is the only time we are allowed to be anywhere else. Everyone quickly calculated where they were supposed to be and started running. Only a small amount of people noticed my number, but they quickly told others, who looked at my page to see for themselves. I was one of the first out the door, because I had a long way to run, but soon I noticed I wasn't going to be running, a sleek black car with a figure inside appeared.

I didn't ask any of the million questions on my mind, instead I opened the door. We rode through the darkness to my new home. The people we past were all running, and the city lights from square mile one was the only thing that let them see.

"Hello Dani, nice to see you." Number one, Joseph, was sitting in the drivers seat. I couldn't see his face, but his deep voice was unmistakable. After he had said this he was quiet, but I had no need to talk, I was in awe. We rode through the darkness to my new home. The people we past were all running, and the city lights from square mile one was the only thing that let them see. I had seen the silhouette of cities my whole life, but being inside one was something new. Joesph pulled up to a giant skyscraper and introduced it as my home.

"May I take your bag Dani?" he asked, but didn't wait for a response." Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be supplied buffet style all day. "You have the penthouse in building two since your number 50. I'm in the first building, and the first floor." An elevator sat in the middle of the first floor. Signs pointed every direction. I quickly read them, Swimming Pool, Weight Room, Entertainment room. "On this floor we have activities for you. Your work is in work building three, seventh floor. Got it?"


"Now Danny, I doubt you will be going anywhere so feel free to decorate your room, unpack everything, get to know your neighbors. Welcome to square mile one. Here is the key to your home. See you later Danny."

I took the fancy elevator to the top floor. Rooms, my own rooms. I entered the first one which I identified as a living room. Two couches were laying in the middle and windows faced out, letting me see every area with in Chaintist's walls.

Laying right in front of one of the couches was a small device, which fit the description of what my mom called a phone. Once I picked the strange object up and immediately projected a realistic 3D map across the room. I recognized it as our city. Above it was the words "Virtual Tour: Chaintist". From the phone a monotone voice sounded.

"Hello, Im your virtual tour guide. Please select a square mile to tour."

"Square mile one?" I said, confused if it was even voice response.

"Welcome to square mile one. Please select from home tour options avaliable, listed on projector."

"Home option"

"Welcome to your home" The monotone voice kept talking as the map disappeares and strange objects showed up. "This is a laundry machine to wash your cloths. Simply insert your cloths to the drawer. You cloths will be clean in 2 minutes." I realized everything I was doing could wait for tomorrow.

Before I know it its morning and right now I'm sitting in bed wide awake with my eyes glued shut. When I open them I will see square mile one for the first time in the light. For some reason I want to wake up to a bell telling me its too late for breakfast, because I'm in a different city with the same name, and it all feels wrong.

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