Forgive Me Mate

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My name is Natalie Jenkins. My friends & family call me Naty or Nat. I am the Alpha's daughter, but nobody knows that. My dad is the alpha of the biggest and strongest pack in the whole world, The Moonlight Pack. I am 17 years old. I have dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. My skin is tan. I am short about 5'5. That's considered short, right? I have a dimple on my left cheek. Also, I have alpha blood meaning that one day I will become an alpha. I found my mate, but I got rejected. My 'mate' is the Alpha of the Red Pack, but of course he rejected me cause he thought I wasn't 'good' enough.

When I was 15 years old, I dated a guy (human) named Anthony. He was a great guy. He would always make me smile. I loved him to death. Until one day, I went to his house and up to his room. I heard moans and groans. I walked in and was expecting him to be with a girl, but there is the surprise. There was no girl, instead on the bed was him and another guy. That's the day I found out that he was gay. It hurt to know that he was just using me, but I soon got over it. He became my BFF. We would go shopping and do all of the things girls do. Now, I don't even know if he knows that I exist.

Two months later after that day I moved. From LA, California to London, England. My dad's pack is in England. My mom missed my dad a lot so we had to move. By that time, I was 15 years old and I had to be with them. Now I am at my dad's friend's pack, The Red Pack. I couldn't stand been at my dad's pack. So I moved from London, England to NYC. My dad's friend is the Alpha, but he is soon going to pass the title to his son, Logan. Logan is older than me by 3 months. When I got accepted to be in The Red Pack, me and Logan were 16 years old. We got along very well. He was like a brother to me. When I turned 17 , I found out Logan was my mate. He knew 3 months before I did. Yet, he didn't say one single word to me. He never got close to me. Instead he became a player. He would always go to parties and get wasted. When he became alpha, he didn't take care of the pack. One day, his dad died due to an attack.

Now I'm in my room waiting for the party to end. Logan would always throw parties every weekends. I became the house maid, I would always get yelled at. Basically, I was the punching bag. As I was sitting in my room, I begin to think of the day I went to the hospital.



"GET UP FROM THE FUCKING FLOOR YOU BITCH" Logan yelled at me. I tried to get up but every time I tried to get up, he would kick me, making me fall on the floor. He got tired of me and grabbed me from my hair and pull it so hard, I thought it was going to fall out. He hold me up by my hair and threw me across the room. My head hit the wall first. I could feel cold, liquid stuff running down my face. I touched my face and winced in pain. I saw blood on my hands. Then blackness took over me. The last thing I heard was Logan yelling at me to clean the mess I made.

*Memory Over*

"NATALIE, YOU FUCKING BITCH, I SAID COME DOWN. NOW!!" Logan yelled at me. I guess I was into my thought I didn't hear Logan calling me. I guess the party is over cause I don't hear any more music. I ran down the stairs to see what Logan wanted.

"Where is my food?" he yelled at me. It hurts to know that he is my mate but also that he doesn't want anything to do with me. He prefers to be with the pack's slut, Savannah. Savannah is 17, has long blonde hair, with gray eyes, and is pale. She doesn't go out in the sun a lot. When I was little I would always be outside. That's why I am tan. I don't really mind been tan, after all its better than been pale. SMACK!!! I felt pain flowing all over my left cheek.

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO ANYTHING I JUST SAID, YOU SLUT!!" He yelled at me. I guess he was in a bad mood. He has been yelling a lot today, but then when is he not yelling at me.

"Sorry Alpha, I got distracted" I bowed my head to show respect. I didn't want to go to the hospital again.

"Whatever, just go to your room and stay there" He said in his regular voice. WOAH!!! I think that is the nicest he has ever been to me.

"Yes Alpha" And with that said, I left the room, but not after hearing what he said to Savannah.

"Do you want to go eat and then have....well you know......uhhh fun" He said with a wink. Savannah just giggled and nodded her head. OH PLEASE!!! Not the pain again!!!

Later on that night, I felt a lot of pain, and I knew why. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I know if I scream I would get beaten.

~ Next Day~

I woke up sore. I guess I was used to the pain. I couldn't even get out of bed. I guess they 'did it' a lot yesterday. I tried my best to get out of bed but I couldn't. Suddenly, I hear anger feet stomping up the stairs. Somebody slam opened my room and grabbed me by my hair and yanked me on my feet.

"WHERE IS MY FOOD" Logan yelled at me. I didn't answer, which earned me getting kicked in the stomach. I was so sore and weak that I felled to the floor and couldn't stand up.

"GET UP, YOU BITCH" He yelled again.

"Sorry Alpha" I said and tried to stand up but I couldn't. Logan must of have seen me failing cause he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me downstairs. I am going to admit that whenever he grabbed my arm it felt so good. Sparks flew throughout my body. It felt so good. He must of have felt it cause he turned around and pushed me against the wall and slammed his lips against mine. I was shocked but kissed him back. He closed all the gaps there was between us. The kiss was getting heated when he all of a suddenly pulled back. His eyes were full with lust. I guess he was brought back to reality cause he slapped me hard against my left cheek and left. I went downstairs to find Logan making out with Savannah. I am going to admit it, it did hurt me cause just a few seconds ago he kissed me and now he is kissing Savannah. That is messed up. I guess I was staring at them and Savannah got mad cause next thing I know Savannah slapped me and Logan was yelling at me. I need to get away from here. If I don't go away, I'm going to end up dying.


Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter to another of my stories. I am really looking forwards to this book been a success. I would like for a lot of people to read this book. Personally I love this book. I hope you love it too. Please leave me feedback. Don't be shy or scared. Any of your advices are helpful to me. Another thing, at the beginning of the story she was remembering her past. Now she is planning to escape. I just wanted to make that clear.

P.S. Picture on the right is Natalie. :)  


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