Please Stop

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Picture of Logan---------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>


Logan's POV:

Good. So good. That's what I felt when I kissed Natalie. Besides the sparks, everything felt good. I wanted to bang her all night but I remember that she is basically the punching bag of the pack. Besides nobody knows that she is my mate. She is a nobody. As much as it hurts me and my wolf, I can't be with her. My hand made contact with her cheek. Oh Lord, did I really just did that? Did I really just slapped her? I am a horrible person. I know that I have hit her so many times. I know I'm a stupid jerk. I deserve to die. She doesn't deserve me. How can she still be here? If I was her, I would of have left already. She is almost an adult, she can handle herself. Truth is, no matter how many times I hit her or how long, I can't live without her. I know I don't treat her like my mate but only seeing her makes me happy. I left her standing in the hallway. I walked into the kitchen and saw Savannah. The girl that is my "MATE". She is the pack's slut, but at least she is strong, brave, and doesn't let anyone mistreat her without punishment. She is the one for me, the one that is good enough to be the Luna.  

~~~ Natalie POV~~~

How can I love somebody that is always rejecting me? How can I forgive somebody that always mistreat me? How can I trust destiny to never fail on me, again? I have been beaten to death. I have been lied to all the time. I have been neglected several times. I just can't do this anymore. If I don't get away from here, I won't live to see another day.

I guess I'm used to doing all the cleaning of the house by myself. I didn't even notice Logan standing in front of the doorway. I looked into his eyes and saw lust. Wait..What? Lust? I didn't know what was going on until Logan was standing right in front of me. It was night and everybody went to a party. I guess Logan didn't want to go or he just came back. I was distracted that all of a suddenly I felt his warm and soft lips against mine. I am going to admit it. It felt good to finally kiss my mate, but there was something wrong about this kiss. It wasn't a slow romantic kiss. Instead it was a fast and hungered kiss. I knew where this kiss was going and I didn't want to do it yet. It seems as if she read my mind cause he hold me closer to him and kissed me harder. "Stop" "Please Stop" I managed to choke out. "Listen to me, I need to do this" "But I don't, Stop!" He pulled away and slapped me. "You are going to do what I want, do you understand?" I didn't answer him so he just got more mad and slapped me again. "I said, Do you understand?" "Y-Yes" "Good" and with that he took my hand and walked me to my room. When we got there, he threw me on the bed and he took his clothes off. "Take your clothes off" I did as he said. "Lay down on the bed" When I was all the way down he cam and laid on top of me. He did what he had to do, while I was crying. This was not how I wanted my first time to be. When we almost reached climax I kneeled him on his private part and made a ran for the door. But he had other plans and got a hold of my ankle and pulled me. I felled to the floor. "You fucking bitch" And then he slapped me. I cried, scream, begged, and tried to fight him off me, but no matter what I did he would continued doing whatever he wanted to do with me.

When he finally was satisfied, he left my room. I cried and cried and cried. How could he? My own mate just raped me. I hope he dies and rot in hell. He deserves that.

(Three weeks later)

Its been three weeks since he raped me. Since that day, I have been throwing up, and feeling nuisance. Nothing seems right anymore. I have been going to the bathroom more often. I can't even look at the food without wanting to throw up. I have a little bump. What. Bump? Oh my gosh. I'm pregnant. That explains everything. But who is the father, the only person I have ever been with is...LOGAN! He is the father. I can finally have a family with him. YAY!!!! All I need to do is tell him. I'm pretty sure he will get happy. I'm having his pup!

I knew he wasn't in the house. He went walking with Savannah. Ha! Now that bitch can leave my man alone. I went out in search of him. A few minutes later I found him sitting in front of a tree with Savannah in his lap.

"Logan?" He turned around to where I was and looked at me before talking to me.

"What do you want?" He asked in a harsh voice. "Don't you see I'm with my mate" Ok, lets face it, having your mate say that he was with his mate knowing that you are his mate hurts a lot.

"I-I need to tell you something" I said all happy.

"What?" He asked in an annoyed voice and harsh at the same time.

"I.....Ummmm......I'm having a baby. are the father" He looked at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"You are lying right?"

"Ummm No. I'm not lying. Why would I lie?"

"Cause you are a bitch, that's why?" Savannah said. "That" she said while pointing to my stomach. "Is not Logan's baby. You probably slept with somebody else and got pregnant so Logan can be with you." She said. Logan was quiet all the time. He was just staring at me.

"I, Alpha of the Red Pack, reject you, Natalie Jenkins as my mate" Logan said with. But I could even hear the sadness and pain in his voice. His eyes looked sad and angry.





These are all the feelings I felt when he said those 3 simple words. Just 3 words, and my life felt like hell. I watched him as he walked away with Savannah in his arms. As soon as he was out of sight, I felt pain. The pain was unbearable. I fell to my knees and cried. He is going to regret everything he did to me.


Hello Girls and Guys,

                 Thank You to all of my fans that are reading my story. I really appreciate it. I guess I have to be honest with you guys. I don't know much about werewolves. All I know is from what I learned from "Twilight" Hahaha That movie series were good. LOL. Anyways, feel free to comment anything you think will help me with writing my story. Or you can just message me. Either way I would totally appreciate it. Thank You Guys! Love You:) and don't forget. You are all BEAUTIFUL!! <3

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