I love you?

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Naty POV:

~3 Months later~

It's been 3 months since I have arrived to the Blue Light pack, and I feel like I have been here my whole entire life. Also, it seems like my baby is enjoying been here. I am 3 months with 3 weeks. I'm not showing at all, which surprises me. Adien has been a great friend since I got here. In reality, everybody has been friendly with me. Today I'm going to dinner with Adien. Have i told you he is a wonderful guy? If I did, well I'll tell you again. He is a wonderful guy. Sometimes I wished he was my mate not stupid ass Logan. I haven't talked or seen Logan since I left, and that's good. My wolf misses him but she knows that we are better without him. I was so into my thought that I didn't realized when Adien came into the room.

"Hey Beautiful" he tells me. He is always calling me that. To be honest, I like it when he does. It makes me feel...beautiful.

"Hee-y" I feel like I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? The world may never know. Ha. Funny. "Did you really just quote the tootsie roll pop commercial?" Hazel asked me. "Maybe" I replied back.

Adien and I talked for the rest of the day. We talked about the baby. In the middle of our conversation, I felt my eyelids getting heavy and heavy as the time past. Next thing I know darkness took over me, and the last thing I heard was Adien whispering "I love you, but I know you will never feel the same for me."

~ Adien POV:

"I love you, but I know you will never feel the same her me." I told her. I took advantage of her falling to sleep. I know she wouldn't remember what I told her when she wakes up tomorrow. Hopefully she wouldn't. Truth is, ever since we found her in our territory I fell in love with her. When she told me about her abusive mate, all I was thinking about was that I had to find that son of a b***h and rip his head off. I couldn't bare the thought of somebody's hurting a beautiful girl like her. When she told me she was pregnant of that bastard. I didn't even think I was able to control Miska, my wolf anymore. Miska was so mad, he didn't like the idea of Naty having to carry an asshole's pup. Maybe if I tell her how I really feel, maybe she would let me be the father of the baby she is carrying. The thought of her letting me be the father of her baby made a smile break through the hard features of my face. All I want is for her to agree. Nothing else would make me happy.


Hello guys :D it's me. I'm back!.!. yay!.! I know this chapter is short. I'm sorry.

Guys I have something important to tell ya!.!.......







I know what I want to happened but I just don't know how to word it. I'm sure my writing sucks. I'm pretty sure it does. I'm just trying to write a good book. Please vote and comment. If you have any questions DM me :) I would love to talk to some of you:)




~Love Ali 😘❤️

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