Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After i showed the two losers that I was superior to them in every way by pushing them into their own pool and dunking them both under water repeatedly, the rest of the group caught up to us. Everybody else ended up jumping into the pool, except for me and Zayn. We just stood there, laughing at everyone else being dumb.

"Emma, won't you come in?" Harry swam over to the edge of the pool, his curls dripping with water.

"Um, I dunno, I don't have a swimsuit..." I trailed off, unsure of whether to get into the water or not.

"Shut up, Emmie, I don't have one either. Just get in." Bailey yelled- from across the pool- still fully clothed.

"Yeah, but it different. You don't have a dress on. I can't swim in this," I motioned to my attire,"that'd just be weird."

"Please? Pretty pretty please?"Harry jutted out his lower lip and widened his eyes.

"Aww, c'mon! How am I supposed to say no to that?!" I pointed to Harry's puppy dog face.

"Easy. You're not. " Louis swam over next to Harry and joined in.

"But I don't have-"

"Borrow one of my shirts. Do you have on shorts underneath your dress?" Louis interrupted me and started getting out of the pool.

"Yeah I do. How did you know that?" He grabbed my hand and led me into the house.

"I have sisters, and I figured, since you aren't a slut, you probably had something on underneath, just-in-case." He shrugged.

We walked down a couple hallways until we came to a door that said things like "LOUIS" and "TOMMO" all over it.

"M'lady," he said in a posh tone, as he opened the door for me.

"Why, thank you, good sir!" I spoke in the same accent and did a small curtsy.

I did a quick scan of his room. The walls were painted a light blue, the furniture was mostly all black, red and blue. I tried -but failed- to suppress a laugh when I saw his bed. It had all red and blue pillows, but the sheets and covers had the Super Man logos everywhere. It looked like the room of a six-year-old boy.

"What are you--oh...yeah, hehe, I...uh- I like super heroes..." He looked away, his face turning a bit red, once he realized what I was laughing at.

"Well, hey, I think it's awesome! Now c'mon, where are these- so called- 't-shirts'?" I put air quotes around 'T-Shirts', making him chuckle.

"Over here." He grinned, opening one of the many black droors.

"Here ya go, love." He handed me a black T-Shirt with "The Killers" on it.

"Thanks, Lou. Hey I love this band!" I commented.

"You have good taste, Miss..." He trailed off, "hey, what's your last name, Em?"

"It's Erickson,"I laughed.

"Ah, right then. You have good taste Miss Erickson!" He smiled.

We looked at each other for a second, until I realized he wasn't going to take the hint.

"Uh, Louis?"

"Yes?" He replied happily.

"I kinda need to change..."

"Oh! Right, right! Oops! Sorry! Sorry!" Realization hit him and he jumped up suddenly and started to walk out.

"I'll wait outside the door, so when you come out you don't get lost." He smirked.

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