Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

**Louis' POV**






Double shit

What the hell did I just do?!?

I've screwed everything up. That's what.

I started to run towards the house (trying to be ninja-like so no one would notice me), when I felt a hand on my shoulder jerk me to a sudden stop. I silently cursed, knowing who it was, before turning to face Harry.

His jaw was clenched, making his jawline much more distinct. His green eyes seemed darker than usual, boring holes into mine.

"We need to talk." His voice was low.

Dammit, he's mad isn't he?

"Um okay lets talk. A-about what?" I tried to play it off cool.

"Inside. Now." He growled and shoved me inside, before taking one last glance outside and shutting the door behind him.

Yeah. He's mad.

I stepped into the kitchen and glanced out the window at Emma. She was talking to Liam and Zayn with a confused look on her face. She wouldn't tell anyone, would she?

I turned my attention back to Harry, who was raking his fingers through his sopping wet curls.

"Harry, I-"

"WHAT THE HELL, LOUIS!?" He cut me off.

Woah. Louis does NOT appreciate the sass. But since this is Harry, we shall let it slide.

"Harry, I'm so sorry, mate! I wasn't thinking straight!"

"You're damn right you weren't! Louis you know that I fancied Emma, and I met her fir-"

"I know I know, I'm sor-"

"Sorry doesn't take it back! Sorry isn't going to change anything! What the hell were you thinking? What came over you? We agreed-"

"I WASN'T thinking! She's...captivating...I-I just--she makes forget."

"About?" He prodded


Yeah, yeah, it sounds real lame, but its true! The way her bright red hair flowed out all around her underwater, as if they were dancing flames. And her big, chocolate brown eyes, so warm and inviting, looking into mine made her look like something of a dream.



I need to stop watching Sponge Bob.

Wait. Hold up. No.

That is probably the dumbest idea I've ever had.


"LOU!" He groaned, frustrated, "Listen to yourself!"

"I'm sorry, Haz. I can't really help it!"

"You sound like a love-sick puppy, and you've only known the girl a day!"

"I know." I put my head in my hands.

"What are we gonna do?" He sighed.


I was interrupted by Liam opening the back door.

"Hey, everyone has been looking for you guys." He nods toward where the rest of the group is.

"Oh yeah, sorry mate! Haz and I were just talking about..."

"How we should invite Emma and Bailey over tomorrow!" Harry interrupted me.

"Good idea, Niall seems to really have taken a liking to Bailey, hey?" Liam wiggled his eyebrows and we all chuckled in agreement.

"Its going to start getting dark soon guys, lets have everyone come in and we can watch a movie or something, yeah?" Liam suggested.

We nodded and Liam quickly stepped out to tell everyone to come in.

In this short moment, I looked over to Harry, throwing my arms up in the air and giving him a "well-what-the-hell-do-we-do-now?!" look. He just shrugged, wide-eyed.

We all settled down, after deciding on watching "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy". Zayn took his place on the bean bag, next to Liam, sprawled out on the smaller couch. Niall and Bailey decided to get a BUNCH of blankets and pillows and lie on the ground, next to each other. On the big couch, Emma sat in the middle and - of course -Harry and I on either side of her.


About a quarter into the movie, I watched as Harry, sneakily moved his arm to rest on Emma's shoulders. She didn't seem to notice, so he leaned back a bit, with a smirk evident on his lips, and winked at me.

That cheeky bastard.

Alright, so Harry was exaggerating earlier. He didn't actually tell anyone he fancied Emma. He told everyone he thought that she was fit, and that she was funny. I know it's against the bro-code to go after a girl when you're best mate is also trying to go after her, but- as I said earlier -I wasn't thinking clearly.

And now, though he may think she's hot and stuff, I...I think I REALLY like this girl. And now that Harry knows this, I think he's taking it as more of a challenge than anything. He's trying to prove he's better at getting girls than me. And he is. I've admitted this to him multiple times. But I honestly think that he is doing this to prove it to himself.

Haz isn't what the paps make him out to be either, though. He isn't a womanizer. Never has been. This is the first time I've seen him do anything like this, and it actually makes me disappointed in him.

I narrowed my eyes at him and tried my best to shoot him daggers, something I rarely do. He raised his eyebrows at me, but I didn't care. Harry IS my best mate. But women are not to be toyed with like this. Much less, Emma.

Around an hour later, Emma's eyes were becoming droopy as she yawned, cutely. She slipped out of Harry's grip, to gently rest her head on my shoulder. She smiled up at me, sheepishly, as if asking permission. I grinned back at her and rubbed her back, attempting the whole "soothing" process.

I could feel Harry's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head, but that just made me grin wider; knowing that Emma wasn't going to give into his game- even though she wasn't actually aware of what he was doing.

"That's right, Styles." I thought to myself,as a new sort of determination came over me,"If and when I win over Emma's heart, it will be because I want HER, not for pride."

May the best man win.

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