Chapter Eight: Rory

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As soon as I felt Alex's hands drop out of mine my heart dropped. I had done it again- broken another girl. I watched as she ran out the back door into the garden and to my horror Justin followed right behind her. It was like he knew exactly when I would fail and was just waiting for the perfect moment to race in to rescue her. I walked out the door quietly and to my surprise there were just as many people outside than inside. I looked over to the grass and saw the shimmering silver and blue tiara resting on a shoulder. I started to walk towards it when a girl wearing a yellow dress stopped me. She looked somewhat similar to Alex; same hair style, slightly different hair color, same shade of blue eyes, similar body type- they must be sisters.

            "I wouldn't do that if I were you." She said with a slight southern twang.

            "You must be Alex's sister." I said and she nodded, "I don't even know what I did and there she is on Justin's shoulder probably crying because I hurt her." I put my head down.

            "Rory right?" the girl asked quizzically, "I'm Andrea. Not only is Alex my sister but she is also my best friend. You should not mess with her. Now I want you to understand something the only three boys she has ever let anywhere close to who she truly is inside are you, Justin, and Trevor. She has a very good defense system and you have just triggered it and the only way to fix it is to win her back."

            Suddenly the DJ announced that it was time for the King and Queen dance. I watched as Justin picked up Alex just as I had the night before. I felt as if someone had stabbed me in the heart. Usually things like this don't bother me, I mean; I flirt with girls all the time. As soon as they figure out they don't need me to be happy I leave them alone. I use girls for experience and sometimes just for entertainment and then it never hurts me. But for some reason when Justin picked up Alex and set her down to escort her into the dance all I could feel was the stabbing, heart wrenching pain... Is this how girls feel?

            Again I followed Alex into the dance. Justin bowed and she curtsied. He took her hand and kissed it and then the two of them danced. Alex's dressed flowed and made her look like a real princess but as I looked at Justin all I could see was Gaston. He was using her the way I usually did to other girls, this made it bother me all the more, he doesn't care about her... He never has and never will. I sat down and watched as they performed something out of a fairytale. As soon as the dance was over Alex guided Justin over to his date and she walked away.

            She looked heartbroken and like she could fall over and sob. I hadn't known her for long but I could tell that the act she had just put on had just drained her. She sat in a corner and I walked over and gave my best pick up line a shot.

            "Well you make a beautiful wall flower but I think you would be even more beautiful in my arms."

            To my surprise she laughed and stood. The song "Only Exception" came on. It was the version from a show called Glee. I watched as she slowly gained happiness again. Andrea said I had to win her back so I decided to tell the truth.

            "Alex," I started scared for her reaction, "I am really sorry I didn't dance with you more tonight. To be honest I get scared when I'm in these situations and I go to what I'm used to and good at which is flirting. I should have stayed with you. I'm sorry if I made your night miserable."

            "It's okay." Alex responded, "I've gotten used to it."

"It shouldn't be." I muttered.

I have to make it up to her this girl is one of the nicest, sweetest, most innocent girls that still had spunk to her I had ever met. And I had just screwed up my chances.

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