Uncovering the Secrets

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Bo shook his head, desperately trying to clear it. "Wait, we've been friends for years and you figure that now is the best time to mention that you're an agent?"

Cooper shrugged, practically transforming into a new person right in front of them. "I was undercover the entire time. No one was supposed to know who I was. If I had been allowed, I would've told you who I was from the start, but my boss tends to be picky about that sort of thing getting out." He glanced back down at the picture. "Especially when the person we're after could get wind of who we are and take off before we get the chance to catch him."

Bo sat down before he could topple over from the dizziness that had settled over him. "Please tell me you are actually my age and not some sixty year old man that's been posing as a guy in his early twenties."

"Close," Cooper chuckled. "I'm actually turning twenty-eight in a couple of months. What would you have done if I were a sixty year old man?"

"Ask what sort of moisturizer you are using because it is doing wonders for your skin."

The snicker coming from Rosabelle Sage was a relief to both men. Finding out that the person that had been harrassing you was a trusted co-worker would stress anyone out. Finding out that she had been becoming friends with an undercover cop just added onto that plate. Who knew how much more she could handle?

"So who is your boss and how can I complain for making you keep this a secret from us?" she asked, brushing hair out of her face.

"You already know who she is," Cooper stated, sliding his hand back into his pocket. "Liz. She's my boss." He brought his hand back out of his pocket, slipping something on his finger. "And my wife."

Rosabelle Sage pursed her lips. "Well, that answered a lot of lingering questions I felt coming on. Wait, I met Liz in college. How do you explain that?"

"She already knew who you were and we pulled some strings so that you two would end up living together and become friends."

"But that was way before I met Max."

"Unfortunately, we aren't the only ones with connections," Cooper explained. "Travis had his sights set on you before you even got out of high school. Then, he planted himself in the right place at the right time to get closer to you and make his move."

"What does that have to do with me?" Bo interrupted. "Trust me, I'm glad we're friends, but that doesn't help explain why someone was following me as well."

"Because while she was out galavanting throughout the world, nobody could keep up with where she was or where she was headed next. Especially when she was out in Africa where she used little to no technology. You seemed to be the only connection we had to her."

"We weren't even talking then. How did you know I was a connection?"

"Because I bribed our boss to let you come out to Montana to write a story on Safe Haven. I knew you knew Rosabelle Sage and I purposely rigged it so you would find it, and then I convinced you to come out here."

"You put a lot of stock in knowing that we would start speaking again. How did you even know it would work?"

"One of the many parts in playing matchmaker is to be subtle about it."

"Great, now he's a flipping matchmaker!" Rosabelle Sage groaned, throwing her face into her hands. "What's next? You're a clown?"

Cooper considered it. "Well, I did go undercover once as a student in clown school."

Rosabelle Sage shrieked, laying her head on the table with her hair splayed out in all directions, completely covering her head. Bo and Cooper grinned at each other over the top of her head. Suddenly calm, she raised her head and glanced between them, climbing out of her seat. "I need to go to Safe Haven."

Cooper dashed to the door, slamming his back against it, his arms spread out. "No. You aren't going anywhere near that place. Especially not now."

Her jaw dropped. "We're releasing Skittles into the wild today. He's finally big enough to live on his own and you're trying to keep me here?"

"It's for your safety," Bo explained, trying to massage her shoulders only for her to jerk away.

"You actually agree with this?" she shrieked, whirling on him.

Bo held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I know you want to see Skittles released into the wild. We all do. But I can't let you risk that guy hurting you. I lost you once. I'm not about to let that happen again."

She shook her head in frustration. "He's supposed to be working today. Why not come with me and arrest him while you're at it? We can kill two birds with one stone."

"And risk the lives of civilians around us or him getting wind of something being up and taking off again? Thanks, but I'll pass," Cooper answered, surprisingly keeping calm. "We have to wait for back up. Or at the very least, a signal."

"So what am I supposed to do while that's happening?" Rosabelle Sage asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

Cooper's phone went off, and he glanced at it. "It's Liz. We have to be ready to move in and make the arrest." He glanced up at the two before him, checking to make sure everything was ready. Including loading his guns. He use done to gesture at Rosabelle Sage. "You, stay here."

"I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you weren't pointing a loaded gun at me," she muttered.

Cooper ignored her, turning to Bo. "You, stay here with her. Don't let her out of your sight." Cooper handed Bo one of the guns. "If that man comes here, don't hesitate to shoot."

As he left, Bo and Rosabelle Sage watched him from the doorway, each silently thinking for a prayer. As the sound of

the moving vehicle faded, Rosabelle Sage shook her head. "I'm not staying here."

Bo was in incredulous. "You heard what Coop said! You have to stay here!"

"I don't have to do anything," she retorted, tugging on a pair of boots. "But I'm not going to sit around and wait. If Max really wanted to get me, he'd know where to find me!"

"Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" Bo yelled. "Don't you think he has been trying this whole time to kill you? Why are you resisting anyone trying to help you?"

"I didn't ask for help! I didn't ask for any of this!" Rosabelle Sage screamed back, her voice filled with desperation. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because some bully decides he wants to toy with me. Why do you care so much anyway?" She tried storming past him and out the door.

He gripped her arm and whirled her back around before she could make it outside. Leaning down, he whispered, "I lost you once. I'm not about to let it happen again."

"Then maybe you should start helping me," she snapped. "Cause I'm not about to let him hurt someone else."

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