Time to Finish It

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Rosabelle Sage worked hard to avoid Cooper or Liz. If they caught her, this whole thing would fall through. She wasn't much of an actress either, but she prayed Max wouldn't see through it. Time to play defenseless little bird.

She watched as Skittles was lead back to his enclosure, the way he moved hinting at a high level of irritation. She'd make up for that later. Maybe she'd give him extra food before she set him loose. It was going to be hard to say goodbye to him. He wouldn't come back once he was loose. Male cougars never did. Or maybe it was time to let him go anyway.

She sighed, knowing she had to let her baby go. It was for the best. And it was definitely time. No matter what else happened, it was time.

"Hey guys," she spoke up, her voice reaching the workers. "Let's go ahead and release him. It's time."

She saw surprise as Liz spotted her and Cooper was definitely ticked that she hadn't listened to him. Cooper knew that if she was around, Bo was too. Max's eyes followed her every move.

The team began leading Skittles to a vehicle to be transported to the woods. Cooper and Liz caught up with her.

"What about Bo?" Cooper asked. Rosabelle Sage noticed the camera around his neck. He was still in character. Just another day on the job. But his eyes were furious.

"Meeting us there," she replied, giving him a sweet smile. "Max, can you ride with the team transporting Skittles?"

He gave her a thumbs up as he climbed in. Cooper and Liz rode with Rosabelle Sage, expressing their frustration with her.

"I told you two to stay put!" Cooper snapped, tossing his camera to the side. "Why is it so hard to follow that one order?"

"We had a plan," she muttered. "There's a file in the backseat. Everything you need to make an arrest is in that file. He apparently kills anyone with the same eye color--"

"As his deceased lover," Liz finished. "We've heard all the stories. How did you get proof so quickly?"

"I've had it the whole time," she answered. "I just didn't realize what it was whenever I looked at it."

She could hear Cooper shuffling through the papers. "Is there a picture of him in here actually killing someone?"

"If this doesn't work, then there might be," she mumbled, stopping the car behind her team. Max jumped out and waved innocently at her. She simply grinned and waved back. "Just do whatever Bo tells you to. Cooper, I'm begging you to keep your gun concealed, and keep the camera ready. Solid proof relies on you from this point."

Bo was there at her door and escorted her to the edge of the clearing. Each person waited patiently for the Skittles to be brought over. Cooper, like any photographer snapped pictures of every moment and Bo jotted things down and asked questions like the writer he was. Nobody acted any different than they would normally have.

Rosabelle Sage got frustrated with herself as a tear escaped when Skittles crept out of his enclosure. He froze, his eyes darting back and forth as he took in the new surroundings. Her baby was all grown up, and he had definitely turned into a magnificent beast.

Skittles let out a scream, and darted into the forest, becoming completely engulfed in trees and nature. He was gone as quickly as he had come.

"Does it ever get any easier when the animals are released?" Bo questioned, still acting like the serious writer.

"No," Rosabelle Sage laughed, wiping at her tears. "This one is just as hard as the last one." She sighed, ready to end all of the issues, and dangers, and stress that had been plaguing her. "Alright guys. Let's pack it up."

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