That Ain't Gonna Work

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"How long can a storm last?" Sage yelled, slamming her hands against her couch. The blanket was still draped over her and Bo was still sitting on the opposite side, his face calm and observing. Sage blinked at the ceiling a few times, noticing a new leak in her roof. "My roof is leaking. That's just perfect!"

"Are you sure you don't want to just go to Will and Shawna's?" Bo questioned, eyeing the new wet drops as they landed on the blanket. "After all, you'd be surrounded by friends and family. That, and their roof isn't leaking and they have a fireplace to keep warm. We're in Montana! How do you not have one of those?"

"When I got the house, I wasn't concerned of quality," Sage muttered, wiping a droplet off her forehead. "The price was what I had to worry about. Now I can tell even this place should've been cheaper. I've been gypped!" With that, she threw the blanket off herself and stormed to a hallway closet, yanking out a suitcase. Bo followed her into the bedroom where he watched her start flinging clothes into the suitcase. "Be a dear, and fold those, will you?"

"Are you packing for a night or for a month?" Bo chuckled as she moved to a dresser. Without thinking about him, Sage yanked out random undergarments and flung those on her bed as well, wanting them packed. "You really expect me to touch those frilly things?"

She looked over her shoulder at him. "That's about as close as you'll ever get to touching them. And that's probably going to be the only time you get a glimpse of what I wear under my normal clothes."

Bo stopped packing, moving next to her by the dresser and peeking inside. She watched as he reached in, pulling out lingerie that looked similar to a French maid's outfit, but didn't cover nearly as much. "Do you happen to have whips or handcuffs to go with this?"

To his complete surprise, she actually nodded, clearly not joking. "I'm pretty sure they're in a box in one of my closets. Probably the guest bedroom closet."

"Why in the world would you own something like this? One of your secret admirers mail this to you so he could picture you in it while he showered?"

"Actually, he wasn't so secret," she notified, slipping the outfit from his hands and putting it back where he got it. "The entire town knew I was dating him. Poor guy didn't understand gossip spreads faster than wildfire in small towns. Couldn't take the heat, as it were."

"Wuss," Bo muttered under his breath. She caught it, and smiled at him. "I bet he enjoyed ripping it off of you though."

"Not that it's any of your business," Sage began, "but he never got the chance to. He dumped me when he found out that I refused to sleep with him."

"Then, he really didn't deserve you," Bo commented, pleased when he saw the blush enter her cheeks. "But why bother keeping this if you're no longer together?"

"Because if a guy wants to spend his money buying my underwear, and he never saw me in it, who am I to say no?" She shrugged, moved on to another drawer, and began tossing socks onto the bed. She bit back a grin as Bo opened her lingerie drawer and began digging through it. She burst into laughter when he asked "Do you ever buy underwear for yourself?"

"I bought one pair for myself," she giggled, moving back to him. She pulled out a hot pink lace thong and wiggled it in his face. "But you ain't ever gonna see me in this either."

"Yeah, that ain't gonna work for me," Bo drawled. "I've seen you in a bikini. All I have to do is replace those bottoms for these. In my mind it looks hot."

"I was fifteen then," she reminded him.

"And you still have no hips," Bo countered, grinning when she stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh, I'm sorry you do have hips. Just not in the womanly abundance that most women have. Yours is more super-model-photoshopped hips."

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