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~Acknowledgements ~

"Come and Play" would have never been possible without some very significant supporters of the story I want to thank.

First, I would like to thank @Basswrites for discovering my story back when I had now followers, votes, or comments to my name, and putting it out there for everyone to read. You were such a welcoming presence when I first got into Wattpad, and you are a crucial factor in why I am here today. I can't thank you enough.

Next, to MikeTurpen, who gave me the idea for my sequel back when "Come And Play" had less then 1,000 reads to it. He is an AMAZING writer, and he truly has a gift. If it wasn't for him, "Come and Play" would still be less than a page long, and Donald would've been almost nonexistent.

Also, to my most devoted fans that kept me going even on days when I thought about quitting writing for good. Fans like @silentdawn, @catwoof, @abbybot21, @winxclub117, @babygirl11864, and many others. Even if I don't always get the time to reply to comments that you leave on my work, it DEFINITELY doesn't mean that I don't notice and greatly appreciate them. I really thank all of my fans very much, especially those that I mentioned. You really kept me going, and I can't thank you enough for that.

Lastly, I want to thank my friends and family for their constant support of my dreams in writing. It means so much.

Even though "Come and Play" may be over, my journey in writing for all of you will hopefully never end. Many thanks from me,

<3 XobsessiveX

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