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   Niall's P.O.V

       She's just so... amazing? Perfect? I don't even know. The way her hair swept to the side in the wind, when the light hits her beautiful eyes, her figure, just every thing about her. I want things life before but ... I can't. I have to get her back. I have to, I made a lot of mistakes but I'm going to earn her back. I just need to figure out how....

Harry's P.O.V.

      God, Niall needs to really shut up! He keeps talking about this girl... elina? uh.... ALINA! Yeah that's her name. He hasn't said much but what he has described she's beautiful.  Now I want to meet her. I'll see what I can do. * que evil smirk*

Louis's P.O.V

    Ugh. Zayn has a girlfriend.  Liam has a girlfriend.  Niall is... still single I think. But he keeps talking about her and by the look on Harry's face it doesn't look good. but for now I'm going to go out for awhile. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. It's really stupid. But for now I'm going to have some fun!

I walk down the road, looking for nothing in particular just for something to do. I sigh n walk into a store and see a ' One Direction" aisle. I smile to myself and pull my hood up and put my sun glasses on and smile. I look at all the things. with out paying attention n turn n accidentally bump into a girl looking at the One Direction stuff.

    " I'M SO SORRY!" I say as I help her up. 

     " Oh its fine! i'm just so clumsy"  she says while giggling. I smile n look at her. She's beautiful... Long Dirty blonde hair, bright emerald green eyes, skinny figure but not too skinny. She was perfect.

" Hey.. you look familiar." She says. I smile.

" Maybe because I'm..." I say about to take my hood and sun glasses but she stops me n smiles wide.

 " Now I know who you are. Don't take them off I don't want you to get mobbed. Then ill have to go all ninja!" She says and laughs. I laugh also.

" Well then... lets go to my place or something so I can get to know you better." I say. I can tell she's a bit hesitant but she agrees. we walk to my place n talk also.

" So Miss I would like to know you name?" I say n smirk.

" OH yeah sorry my names Emily Monroe "

" I'm Louis if you didn't know " I say n smile.

: Yes I do know you. my sister is a huge fan. she's 12 and obsessed with you. It's quiet funny." she says.

" Beautiful name! Maybe I should meet her..  but later because I want you to meet some friends..' I say n smile. she nods. This is going to be fun!

                                                            -Hour Later-  

   We're finally here at the lads flat. It was funny. I might have been with her for only an hour or so but I didn't stop smiling once! Her laugh was contagious and her smile too. She's sweet, funny, nice, ect.I can't wait till the lad's meet her. Hopefully they'll like her. Also, I'm starting to think I started having feelings for this girl I just had met. What did you get your self into now Louis.

     We walk into the house and see Liam and Ariana and Zayn and Lucy. Then I see Harry talking to this girl and Niall Glaring at Harry. What is this going to start. I have a feeling the girl is Alina. Oh well.

    " Eh hem... Guys this is Emily." I say. I look over and look at Emily. she seems a bit uncomfortable. I put my arm, around her waist and she smiles up at me and says

 " Yup, I'm Emily. Or Em. what ever u want to call me."  she says. I chuckle. then all of a sudden in see Alina jump up and run away from Harry and he mumbles something, obviously mad. Then Alina , Lucy and Arianna fun up to Emily n drag her into a room and they start laughing. I Smile. I hope they get along well.

  Emily's P.O.V

   Wow.. I can't believe I met Louis Tomlinson and his friends and there girl friends. There all really sweet. There's Arianna. Liam's girlfriend. Then there's Lucy. Zayn's Girlfriend. The there's Alina. She said it's complicated. Well then... I can tell were all going to be good friends..

{ A/N guys! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I had really bad writers block. I'll bring some drama in soon don't worry Xx Nina Boo }

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