The Boy Two Seats Ahead of You

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There was a boy who caught my bus who was found by his parents after he had shot himself.


The door to the bus opened at the last stop. I watched as four young men stepped in.

I frowned.

Where was the tall, green-eyed brunette?

Today, there was no laughter from the four boys as the walked down the path towards their usual seats. They all wore depressed looks on their faces. Their eyes were as dead as the curly-headed's was yesterday.

Not one of them sat in the seats they usually did. Instead, they kept walking.

But as the last one began to make his way past me, he froze and turned to me. I looked up into his deep sea blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he sighed.

I began to get concerned. The boys kept quiet, and I did too.


There was an assembly scheduled in the auditorium today.

I took a seat in the back, and the four boys from the bus this morning took seats in the row in front of me. I was still so very confused. The tall, green-eyed brunette never missed a day of school.

But when the school principal stepped up on stage- a picture flashed across the large screen in the back.

It was him.

A silence went throughout the room as the principal began.

"Dear students. You may be wondering why I gathered you all here today. Before I begin, I must first let you know that you have permission to leave the room at any time, if this begins to be too much for you."

She took a long deep breath before continuing.

"As of May 22nd, 2012, we lost a very special person from our student body. Harry Edward Styles committed suicide last night in his home. He was found in his bedroom with a bullet in his chest. We are unsure as to why, exactly, this young man had decided to leave this earth."

I gulped.


She continued, and many students began to cry.

But I stayed silent.

"There were letters found on his desk, and five of them belong to students here in this room. Can I please have the following students come up to receive your letter?"

Louis. Zayn. Niall. Liam.


I slowly made my way up to the stage with shaky hands. Why me?


To the girl who sat two seats behind me on the bus each morning,

Well, first off, I am sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't talk to you. I'm sorry we didn't become friends. I'm sorry I didn't learn all about you.

I wish I could be there with you, down on Earth.

I also want you to know my parents would have been more than happy to give me rides to school every morning. But I wanted to look at you every morning, and smile.

I hope you noticed.

I hope it doesn't freak you out when I say that I loved you so very much. I fell very hard for you, very quickly.

And I think you're beautiful.

So go and find someone who deserves you. Someone who you deserve, too.

Love, Harry, the boy two seats ahead of you on the bus each morning.


I still think you're beautiful.

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