Chapter Eleven🌻

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My body feels heavy and empty at the same time. It's morning, a little after 10, and I suddenly realize I'm not alone in Lena's bed. I roll my head over to find Kylie...
"Good morning, beautiful!" She yelled at my face, sounding chipper as ever.

"Sorry, I bet you wanted to hear that from Cameron, didn't you?" Kylie replied smirking like the bitch she was. The comment stung me a little. I actually did expect Cameron. He's never here when I wake up. I never get to wake up to his smile, or hearing his voice, just a text message.

"Uh, where is Cameron?" I managed to get out. My voice came out rough, from just waking up, drinking/smoking last night, or being outside while it was chilly with Cameron in the backyard.

"He left early, probably home, I don't know, weird though, he doesn't even work today." Kylie said back, still smiling. I rolled my eyes before I could help it. I had a feeling she was actually trying to make me feel like shit. He didn't even work today, yet he still couldn't wait for me to wake up before he left?

"So, why are you in Lena's bed anyways?" I asked, not trying to hide my annoyed look. I was talking to Kylie but my mind was set on Cameron. I wanted to wake up beside him, just one time! Ok, maybe more than once, but still.

"I'm bored, Lena and Taylor left to get food, they'll probably be back soon." She said, while getting up out of the bed and heading out of the room. "Rest up while you can, hella party is going down here tonight!"

I groaned loudly. For the first time in a long time I didn't want to party. My phone buzzes and my heart immediately jumps hoping it's Cameron.

From Cameron:
Hey, sleepy head, you up yet?

I let the smile spread on my face, I wouldn't be able to stop it if I tried.

From Cami:
I'm awake. Where did you dissappear to?

From Cameron:
Had some things to take care of this morning, didn't want to wake you. Miss you already though. (:

From Cameron:
What's this party tonight Kylie was telling me about?

From Cami:
Honestly, I wish I knew.
Will you be here?

From Cameron:
Maybe, don't know yet.

I sigh and put down my phone..I don't want to party. I don't want to especially if Cameron's not coming. I don't want to especially because if he does it will be so late before he shows up. I've never been more confused about a guy in my life. What things did he have to do? Why didn't he know for sure if he was coming tonight?


"Dance dance, you crazy ass!" Taylor yelled from the living room. It was 11 at night and here I was in Lena's room "getting ready". The living room sounded packed and everyone sounded already drunk. I haven't even had my first sip yet.

I sigh and pull back the door to the bedroom. Now or never I guess. When I walk in the living room it looks packed. Everyone is drinking, dancing, and laughing. I go to the fridge and grab my first drink of the night.

"The party has arrived bitches!" Lena yells over the music and noise, pointing in my direction. I put on a good fake smile and down my first drink while the party cheers me on. For some reason, I wanted a ciggerette.

I grab at least five more drinks and motion for Kylie to follow me outside. I could steal some of her cigarettes and down these to catch up with everyone else.

"Hell yeah, how did you know I needed a smoke?" She says while sitting in the chair outside. She lights one up and immediately hands me one as well. She already knew what I wanted as well.

I light mine and get to work downing some drinks. "So," Kylie begins, "who the hell are these people?" She laughs, her eyes are hazy, she's drunk.
"Looks like mostly guys from high school, didn't even see any girls..." I replied, checking my phone and putting it back again.

"Yeah, that's because we let Taylor do the invites, what a stupid idea, right?" She said laughing, then snorting. I start laughing along too, already feeling the alcohol taking control.

"Where's Cameron?" Kylie asked, "I miss the dumbass."
"I don't think he's coming..." I hide my disappointment, I hadn't talked to him since he said he maybe coming tonight. He's so weird the majority of the time.

"Oh well!" Kylie says laughing and standing up, she reaches me her newly opened drink. "Drink it, I'm going in, I'll grab another, maybe two..." She laughs and heads back inside to the craziness.

By the time I am ready to go back inside, I'm drunk, and to be honest, slightly dizzy. However, I was done being sad for the night, I was ready to have fun! For once, I'm not going to worry if Cameron showed up or not.

"Cami, I've been looking for you everywhere!" I hear an excited, drunken voice calling me...but it's not Cameron...

I turn around, and I'm staring right in the face of Blake. Stupid Blake. Although...I don't remember why he's stupid, hell, right now I don't remember why we broke up.

Who the hell invited Blake? Taylor, I assume. It was always Taylor.

"Good evening, sir, may I help you with anything?" I ask while laughing my ass off. Drunk Cami had officially came to the party.

"God, your so cute when your drunk, you know that?" Blake replied back. He had got the pleasure of seeing me drunk several times before.

"Sure, buddy...I'm gonna grab a drink..." I walk awkwardly to the fridge because my head is spinning, just to find Blake following me.

"I miss you so much, do you miss me any...maybe a little bit?" He asked, with a cute little smile. Funny, saying things like miss me a little bit was our thing, was he doing that on purpose? I remember now how we used to say it to each other all the time. It was kind of cute.

"Yeah well, you broke up...with me, buddy oh pal..." At this point talking was hard, I had no clue what I was saying, but oh well, I wanted to talk. Blake steps closer and grabs my face softly. "You broke up with me silly, why would I ever break up with a girl like you?" He pauses, staring into my eyes, and I feel bad for him for a second. "Your so beautiful, Cam." He leans in, and I think he's about to kiss me, then someone jerks him back.

"Your not hitting on my girl, are you, Brett?" Cameron fucking Michaels.
"The name is Blake, and I didn't realize you guys was a thing..." Blake said acting more bold than I expected.

"We are, and she is beautiful, and I'm the luckiest bastard here ain't I?" Cameron said, putting on a cocky smile and grabbing my ass, "Hey sexy, can we talk alone?"

"Yeah, we you get done with that Cami, come find me, you know you'll miss me a little bit." Blake said, nobody expecting him to say anything else. I start giggling uncontrollably at our old little saying.
"Oh my goodness, we were -" I got cut off by Cameron dragging me away rather quickly. I don't even know what I was going to say. I seen Blake smiling though, good for him. I think...

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