Part 5

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  Sonic sat on the rock for a moment before shivering at the oncoming cold, the first signs that summer was coming to an end; pulling himself to his feet he ran down the mountain back towards Shadow's home. By the time he reached the door, he found the sun was rising and that Shadow would more than likely already be awake.

Fear set into his mind, wondering just what Shadow would do to him if he found out he'd ran off in the middle of the night, yet alone to talk to another alpha of a different tribe and especially after what he'd heard from Silver, it only worried him more. Carefully, he crept into the home, silently making it through the conference hall, kitchen and main living area without any sight of Shadow.

Is he still asleep?

He sneakily cracked open the door to find Shadow, still curled up on the bed. He sighed silently and crawled into the room, taking extra precaution to shut the door behind him without making a single sound. He poked his head over the side of the bed from the back side and ever so gently, climbed into the bed.

"It's about time you got back."

Sonic's body jolted at the sudden voice from what he'd thought to be a sleeping Shadow. The large naga flipping over and pinning him to the bed. He stuck his nose to the cobalt's neck, sniffing hastily, as Sonic struggled beneath him.


A look of pure exasperation forming in his crimson eyes, his coils tightening around Sonic's waist and legs, his large hands almost crushing Sonic's. He squeaked under him, tears filled his eyes as his body filled with pain. Bloody rage masked the snake's face as if Sonic had just made a deal with the devil.

"Why were you near him?!" He bellowed in a monstrous voice.

Sonic's eyes were flooded with tears, his face turning red with fear, his body shaking, too stricken with horror to even muster up enough of his voice to say a single syllable. Shadow's anger shrouded his judgement and consumed his heart.

"Answer me!"

Sonic cried out as Shadow constricted more around his waist and tightening his grip on his wrist. It was only then that Shadow realized what he was doing, horrified by what he'd done he instantly let go of Sonic, and if it weren't for his squeezing, Sonic would have bolted the second he let go, but with his body in so much pain, the bruising was already clear and bright on his skin. He stared at the large beast with fear in his eyes and tears pouring down his face as he curled up, desperately trying to get distance between them.

"S-Sonic, I-" Shadow cut himself short when he saw Sonic flinch just at hearing him speak. A melancholy look washed into his eyes. "Please forgive me." He mumbled with his head low and his ears laid back and he left the room.

Sonic didn't move. He just laid there, sobbing in pain till at last he passed out. Hours pass and Sonic still sleeps. Shadow invites Silver down to discuss plans for the upcoming winter.

"I still say we need to gather quickly, we're already late. Shadow? Shadow are you even listening?!"

" I'm not...I'm not listening..."

"This is the lives of your people, Shadow! They depend on this gather so they won't starve during winter! Why won;t you listen, even for a few seconds!?"

"...Sonic snuck out last night...came home as the sun was to explain to me why, Silver?"

Silver blinked, then chuckled at the black and red alpha.

"Oh Shadow, how pathetic, you don't understand him one little bit and yet you have the audacity to ask me why he snuck out last night. Isn't it obvious? He wants something you would never give him."

"I've already made plans to take him to see his family."

"Not even close."

"Then what, what is it that he could possibly want that he had to sneak out to see you for? what could you possibly have TO OFFER MY MATE!!!!" Shadow slammed his hands on the table glaring at the smug white alpha before him.

Silver remained calm, an unimpressed expression on his face, he replied in a quiet, insulated voice.

"Answers...and he's not your mate...probably will never even let you come near him after what you've done to him..."

"You have no idea what I've done..." Shadow growled dominantly.

"No, but I know you. You most likely pinned him down and started shouting at him, demanding to know why he came to me. Well Shadow you want to know so badly? He knew you wouldn't give him answers, you wouldn't even try to give him peace of mind. He doesn't belong here Shadow, he knows that one day something's going to happen that he is suppose to be present for outside of out realm.You yelling at me, claiming him as your 'mate' doesn't work, for all you know he could have a wife, maybe even kids. You don't know."

Shadow's face went blank, the thought that Sonic could really have all this broke his heart.

"You need to let him go Shadow, Scourge won't be a problem in a few months, Mephiles has sentenced him to death, it's already been decided, come summer you can take him home and it will be like none of this had ever happened."

A long pause of silence between them made the air cold and creepy till at last Shadow broke it.

"Silver, leave. I need time to think...alone."  

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