Part 20

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Shadow and Tikal raced towards the fleeying flock of fowl. Greeting themselves with the tattered and tangled mess of the glider, Sonic and Tails no where to be found.

"Where are they?! They crashed here, so where are they?!"

"Just calm down, Tikal. Worrying won't find them, they can't have gone far."

They searched the area, scanning behind rocks, under the reckage, and in the trees. Soon they heard giggling, yet it didn't come from around them. It came from above.

"Are they in the trees? Can you see them?!"

"No, but they sound close."

"Tails! Slow down, Tails! Slow down!"

Shadow's ears perked at the voice, "This way!" he slithers back towards the crash where they find Tails, dangling Sonic just above the ground. His twin tails twirling like a helicopter. Sonic places his feet on the ground firmly with Tails to follow.

"Ah man...what a bust. All that work gone to waist." Sonic complains as he kicks one of the broken bars slightly.

"We can always rebuild...only this time with landing gear."

"Absolutely not!"

Sonic and Tails jumped and spunaround at the voice, coming face to face with Shadow and Tikal glaring at them feriously.

"You absolutely will not build another one of these...these things!"

Tails lowered his ears at his mother's scolding, his tails tucked between his legs. "B-But mom, they aren't dangerous, we...we just need to make some adjustments is all."

"No. You're grounded, Tails. No inventing for a week." Tikal growned, picking up the young kitzune and slithering back to the village.

Sonic didn't dare look up at Shadow, he already knew he was in trouble too, but he couldn't bare to look him in the eyes right now, the anger and disappointment he would see would only make it harder to face him later. Shadow picked him up and slithered back to their home. Not a word was said the rest of the night.

The next morning, Sonic woke up to an aching back. The living area chair was an unforgiving bed. He sighed, he knows Shadow was upset with him but did he really have to make him sleep on the couch? He sat there waiting for Shadow to come out of the bedroom, hours past and still no Shadow.

'Is he really that mad at me?'

Sonic hoisted himself to his feet and made his way into the room. The bed was made, floor swept, shelfs were dusted. It was like Shadow had never eben been in the room to begin with. Sonic rushed up to the kitchen.

'Maybe he woke up before me.'

Sonic glanced around the kitchen in hopes of seeing some sign of Shadow. Nothing. Nothing but a lonely little note with a few little words on it.

In a meeting, stay in the house. ~Shadow

Sonic sighed, "Well at least I know where he is now." he looked around the room. "Might as well find something to eat."

He began rumaging around the kitchen, searching for whatever smelled appealing to his stomach.

'Hm...maybe I can make Shadow an appology dinner...'

Sonic pondered the thought. Shadow was always of two things after meetins. Tired, and hungry. The more he thought of the idea the better it started to sound, and while it may not entirely work, it was better than nothing. Quickly he began rumaging through the storage, easily picking out a nice rack Shadow had hunted about a week back. It would go bad soon so he figured it would be perfect.

Hours later Shadow came out of the meeting room, his senses instantly hypped by the intoxicating aroma of the tender meat and sweet sauce that dresses it. He slithers into the kitchen to see Sonic carefully chopping a salad as the perfect ribs lay delicatly on the counter. From a distance Shadow stood there behind the blue hedgehog, examining the sceen and quickly taking note of the burns and bandages on Sonic's hands and forearms. He slithered closer. Silently approching the other, his ears perked when he heard Sonic whimper quietly when the knife broke the skin on his fingers and quickly yank his hand away before any blood could get on the fresh green vegetable. He held a bloody rag around the cuts tightly, still unaware Shadow was behind him. Shadow sighed.

"You're really ignorant sometimes..."

Sonic gasped, "S-Shadow!" he stared up at him startled, his ears lowered and quickly looked away.

"Let me see..."

"N-No, it's okay. I'm fine."

"Sonic that towel was white when you started, wasn't it?"

"..." He nodded.

"Let me see..."

Gently Shadow took the rag off Sonic's hand and sighed.

"How many times have you cut yourself so far?"


"And the burns?"


"Don't try cooking without me, alright? I don't want you harmed."

Shadow wrapped Sonic's hand in a bandage, and gently placed his finger under his chin, tilting it to make Sonic look up at him.


Sonic sighs, "yes..." he looked away again.

Shadow carefully ran his finger's through the younger's quills before placing a tender kiss on his forehead.

"No more reckless stunts either, you and Tails could have gotten hurt. Or worse."

Shadow looked at the food Sonic had prepared and smiled.

"Promise me you won't and you can sleep in the bed again."


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