Part 14

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  Flowers bloom wildly outside, birds chirp merrily as their eggs hatch one by one, deer frolic with their new born fawns, and bears sober up from their long rest. Shadow slithers out with Sonic trailing closely behind. Neither said a word on the long trek out of the forest, it took almost all day to reach the fields where many towns lay spread far apart.

"This is as far as I go..."

Sonic stared out at the shacks, a sickening feeling deep in the pit of his stomach begs him to turn around, but his head tell him to move forward. He begins walking without a single word.

"S-Sonic wait I..."

He paused, waiting to hear what Shadow so desperately wants to say. All he hears is a low sigh.

"...I wish you well..."


He breaks into a run, dashing through the old village to the last home on the block, a newer home, it had been spruced up since he last saw it. Shakily he knocked on the door, nervous about who would answer.

An elderly hedgehog in about his mid to late fifties opens the door, almost having a heart attack when his tired eyes met Sonic's.

"S-Sonie!?" He gasped, his heart pounded harshly, "S-Sonie, that really you? B-But we all thought you were dead!"

"'s really me Unc...I got...lost...I got lost in the forest."

The old hedgehog brought Sonic into a warm embrace before pulling him inside to hear about the tales Sonic had to tell. It took about a full hour to hear it all, all of which was a lie.

"Uncle Chuck...whats happened since I was gone?"

"Quite a bit, Sonie...after you disappeared, we all looked for you best we could, we searched for about five months, the whole village searched, even Eggman, the sixth month we all lost hope. Sally was a mess, but she seems to have moved on rather quickly."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's married pregnant and everything. Sorry Sonie, I know you loved her..."

Sonic lowered his head, for some reason his heart didn't break at those words. Normally he would have this agonizing pain in his chest and be forcing himself not to cry if he was told those words, but nothing hurt. He didn't feel anything.

"'s okay, Eggman, what about him?"

"He's become the town doctor, he's a rather good one too." Chuck smiled, gently patting Sonic on the shoulder. "Get some rest, Sonie, we can go tell everyone that you aren't dead tomorrow, we'll even pull up your headstone." he grunts, pushing himself to his feet and heading towards his bedroom.

"...Hey, Unc?"

"Hm? Yes, Sonie?"

"...Don't tell anyone I'm alive..."

"What? Why not?"

"...Because I'm not staying...see, I met some people out in the forest who I really in particular that I've just realized I can't live without...sides...without me here, it seems Eggman got bored and finally decided to turn over a new leaf...I don't want things to go back the way they were before, Unc."

"...I see...Well, leave it to an old man to tell you that your mother would've been proud, if only she could see you now. Queen Aleena would be bawling over you in tears of joy that you're so kindhearted to pretend to be dead so the world could live in peace."

"It's been along time since you spoke mom's name..."

Chuck smiled at his nephew, shakily stepping out of the way for Sonic to step into the room. Curiously he enters, followed by Chuck.

"If you'll be playing dead for the rest of your life...there's a few things I want to give you while I can."

The old man stumbles over to a large chest. Breaking the rusted lock off, he pears inside, rummaging around till at last he found what he was looking for. A much smaller, black chest with a ruby gem on the front.

"Your mother...gave this to me before she passed...said I was to give it to you before I joined her, but it seems I need to do this now..."

Carefully Sonic took the chest from him. Upon opening, he found a photo of his mother, sister, brother and him standing together. He was only three when this photo was taken, the corners revealing many years of age that have passed. Next he pulled out his mothers crown, it was dirty from the long time in the box but it was still just as beautiful as the day it was made. Next, a necklace with a guitar pendant attached. He remembered how he and his siblings would play music and sing, it was almost a daily thing for them. He remembered the power that that pendant held. The last item in the box came in a pair. Male and female. one a simple golden ring with the engraving "Till Death Do Us Part", the other a lovely golden ring with a elegant sapphire that sparkled in the light.

"W-What are these things?" Sonic inquired, staring at the items in awe.

"They're your heirlooms..."

Sonic felt himself welling up with tears as he gazed at the items in the box, overflowing with joy.

"Thank you, Uncle Chuck..." He blushed, hugging the elderly hedgehog.

Chuck smiled an returned the gesture, before shooing him away to become 'dead' once again.

Sonic rushed back to the forest, carrying the box of heirlooms in hand, if he hurried he could catch up to Shadow and tell him how he truly felt.

Just gotta go a little faster...  

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