6. Beautiful light show

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"What do you think about this?" Baekhyun turned away from the mirror showing junmyeon his  outfit for today's date with Chanyeol.

"I think this is perfect." Junmyeon smiled as he gave him two thumbs up. Baekhyun smiled as he sighed in relief. "It's been long since i've been this nervous..."

He sat on his bed and bounced his leg as he tried to calm his nerves. "I'm sure everything will go alright, don't be nervous." Junmyeon gave him a pat on the back.

"To make sure I stay calm, no unexpected visits okay." Baekhyun gave junmyeon a warning look. "No promises." Baekhyun sighed. 

Before he could reply, their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "He's here."

"Okay, Baekhyun fighting!" Junmyeon smiled as he held his fist in the air. Baekhyun smiled as he copied the motion.

He took a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it. Chanyeol stood there with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face once Baekhyun came into his view.

"Hey." Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol. Wow.. Was all Baekhyun thought as he glanced at Chanyeol.

"H-hey." Baekhyun shyly replied as he gave Chanyeol a little wave. "Ready?" Baekhyun nodded as he slipped his shoes on and closed the door.

Him and Chanyeol walked down the stairs and Chanyeol lead Baekhyun to his car. "Where are we going?" Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol opened the passenger door for him.

"I was thinking maybe we could go grab some food and sit by the Han River bridge and see the light show tonight." Chanyeol smiled as he stood beside Baekhyun who was seated and buckled up.

"Okay." Baekhyun smiled back. Chanyeol shut the passenger door and quickly jogged to the other side.


"Chanyeol!" Both boys heard someone yell. "Jongdae! Over here!" Chanyeol yelled back as he stood up, waving the guy over.

"Hey, here ya go." Jongdae smiled, placing the two bowls on the bench between Baekhyun and Chanyeol. "Thanks man, I owe you." Chanyeol bumped fist with Jongdae.

"Don't forget! Enjoy the food." Jongdae smiled as he took the money from Chanyeol and bowed before walking off.

"You know him?" Baekhyun asked as he grabbed one of the bowls. "Yeah, we went to highschool together." Baekhyun hummed in response as he placed the bowl on his lap.

The only thing helping them see is the little light post to their right. "Have you ever seen the light show before?" Chanyeol asked as he had ripped the plastic wrapping off the bowl.

"Yeah, once with my older brother back when I was in highschool, you?" Baekhyun broke apart the chopsticks and began to eat.

"I've been here a few times in highschool with my mom when she took me out for dinner." Chanyeol smiled as he grabbed the chopsticks.

"How's the date going?" Junmyeon asked making Baekhyun slightly jump. "Yah." Baekhyun quietly hissed.

"What?" Chanyeol looked up. "Huh? Ah, nothing." Baekhyun nervously chuckled as he continued to eat his food.

"Yah, don't stuff your face you'll choke." Chanyeol chuckled. Baekhyun lightly blushed as he turned away to finish the food in his mouth.

"Yeah Baekhyun, your food isn't going anywhere." Junmyeon teased with a smile while Baekhyun sent the ghost a glare.

"I told you not to visit right now, You want to die?" He whispered. Junmyeon scoffed. "You're too late." Baekhyun continued to only glare.

"Alright alright, I'll check on you later. Baekhyun fighting!" Junmyeon chuckled before he disappeared.

Agioo that boy.. He thought. "Oh! It's starting!" Chanyeol smiled as he pointed to the bridge.

Baekhyun quickly turned to see the water flowing beautifully down from the bridge into the river.

The water moved like calm waves, making Baekhyun stare at it in awe. 

People gathered and watched the show, getting mesmerized by the beautiful bright colors.

The show last for a good ten minutes. Once it finished, the bright colors had vanished and the water stopped flowing down.

"Was it good seeing it again?" Chanyeol asked as he turned to Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded as he gathered their trash and tossed it away.

"Shall we go?" Chanyeol asked with a smile. Baekhyun nodded again and walked along side Chanyeol back to the car.

"Do you want to get some hot chocolate?" Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun as he asked. "No thank you." Chanyeol nodded as he unlocked the car and open baekhyun's door.


Chanyeol walked Baekhyun to the main gate. "Thank you... for tonight." Chanyeol smiled. "Anytime, hopefully we could do this again?"

Baekhyun stayed silent as he looked down at the floor shyly. "Say yes." Baekhyun took a quick glance up to see Junmyeon standing behind Chanyeol.

"He really likes you." Junmyeon whispered over Chanyeol's shoulder before making his way into Baekhyun's home.

"I'd... I'd like that." Baekhyun spoke softly, he looked up to see Chanyeol smiling widely down at the floor.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." Chanyeol waved as he turned to walk off. Baekhyun bit back a smile as he turned and walked into his house.

As Baekhyun had a small conversation with junmyeon about his date with Chanyeol, he heard his phone beep.

He walked over and saw a message from Chanyeol.

Sleep well! ^ ^

A small smile formed on baekhyun's lips as he read the text.

You too :)

How is it so far?
Got some good ideas for future chapters! :) hope you all enjoyed the short cute date!!
Edited; 2/20/17


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