Her protector

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My job has always been to look after Lydia, especially after her parents died. She doesn't know me, but I know everything about her. Believe me I've tried to convince myself it isn't stalking, but it sure as hell feels that way.

It's important she lives, without her, our planet outside of earth would seize to exist, she may not know this but she's our only hope.

The bell rang indicating first hour has begun. She's late. Scrambling to find a seat, we met eyes. Of course the only seat available is the one right in front of me. Classic!

She rushes to the seat, she seems to be second guessing this seat, but sits anyways. class starts off on a fast educating pace, but all I notice is Lydia. A loud sigh escapes her mouth followed by a,"damn it!"

I tried to muffle my laughter, but with no success. "Mr. Colt, is there something so funny that its worth disrupting the class." Mr. Hamilton waited for my response.

I really want to throw a punch at his smug face. "Not at all Mr. Hamilton." Great way to throw some more attention towards me. Another sigh slips out of Lydia before she turns around. "Austin, do you have a pen that I can borrow?" I notice she's uncomfortable, why? She wouldn't look into my eyes either. Hmm?

"Yeah, here." I smiled, a little embarrassed at the fact that I am very much mesmerized by her. She smiled that gorgeous smile that I can never get over ,"thanks."

She turns back around and I had to keep from sighing myself. Realizing my actions, I have given Lydia my only pen. I guess I would just have to remember what his teachings for today.

Class drags on and I could tell Lydia felt the same about it. Once the bell rang relief washes over me. I got up and walked out the door, practically hurrying to get out of that dreadful class.

"Wait! Austin!" My heart, pounding so hard, I'm sure someone close enough could hear it. I don't understand the reasoning behind it, I turn around trying not to seem to weird. "Yes?" looking at Lydia I can't help but smile.

"Jeez you walk fast, anyways here's your pen." She still wouldn't look into my eyes. I'm truly surprised about one thing though she knows my name.

"Oh, thanks I totally forgot about it. " I honestly didn't, but I figured she needs it more than I do. I could survive, but could she? "Yea, okay if you say so." She doesn't believe me, not even an ounce.

I ran my finger through my hair. I'm just a little terrified. "what?" I couldn't help, but ask.

She's giving me that look, the look of I'm not stupid. "I saw you didn't have an extra pen, genius!" Shes a bit smug. She really does see everything like I do.

"Well I better get to class, don't want to be late." I had a feeling, I had so many of them recently, especially today. I feel as though she doesn't want to leave my side. Naw she probably wants to leave, but cant figure out a way to say bye.

"Yea, well bye." She walks swiftly away as do I . Sitting in whatever class I'm in now, maybe calculus? I wasn't really paying attention. I can't stop thinking.

I can't get Lydia out of my head. Today's the first time she's ever talked to me. Well to bad for the whole idea of her not knowing my existence.

As her protector I have to think about her, that's my job. I couldn't fall for her and I most certainly wouldn't .


Her protectorWhere stories live. Discover now