Her protector

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Time seemed to be dragging as slow as it possibly could. I wasn't paying attention to school anymore, instead my mind drifts towards my past, before Earth.

I lived on a planet called Helium. My family, all generations have been protectors. If I had a choice, without a doubt I wouldn't be a protector.

My parents were the proudest parents on Helium, but not because of me. My brothers and sisters had the ability to walk through walls, super strength, read minds, you name it they had it. Believe me I'm still jealous.

I was the only normal one in the family. My parents didn't care for me, my brothers and sisters were the center of their life. I was the youngest, I know shocker, usually the youngest gets the most attention, but it didn't work out that way.

In fact my parents were so obsessed with my siblings they forgot about me completely. I had to grow up at a young age. I trained everyday, in hopes that maybe my parents would be proud of me, actually notice me. I know pathetic!

My siblings saw me as a threat, still to this day I have no idea why. They had everything handed to them, and I was stuck on my own, scraping the bottom of the barrel and begging for a meal, I knew I wouldn't get.

They had EVERYTHING, while I had NOTHING! No mom, dad, family, home, no nothing! Lydia is the same age as me. We didn't grow up together, like I said I didn't exist.

She was always desirable like my brothers and sisters. Her parents are two of the oldest guardians alive, or they were. Her parents died protecting her, but before they died they sent her to a planet far away, a planet called Earth.

Lydia has always been special, kinda like my siblings, Lydia was chosen for something greater, than herself. Her powers made her unique among our kind.

Highly trained killers called Syphans heard about her and her powers. That's why her parents died, Syphans killed them in hopes of getting Lydia. My parents died two years later, on Earth while protecting Lydia.

I was 12, that day was the worst day of my life. Even though they left me to die, I loved them. Lydia in my mind was a menace, a monster I prayed I would never have to deal with. It wasn't long before my siblings were sent to Earth to watch over the beloved Lydia.

I was 14 when I was ranked the highest known protector alive and also the youngest. That day I imagined my parents. Wondering if they would be proud of me now, but I would never know.

A few months later, news that my siblings had died, putting a hole in the pit of my stomach. Even though I never had them in my life, I could really say I had nothing. All thanks to Lydia, the family I never had, was dead!

It didn't take long before the guardians came to me. I was sick to my stomach, why would I protect the abomination!? I hated her, not as much now, but the hate will always be there.

She killed them all. I knew it was my job now , my assignment, but come on I had every reason to say no. The guardians didn't want me to protect her. Who in their right mind would want a 15 year old protecting their beloved Lydia?

Obviously not them, but they had no other option or choice. My hand was forced, they tried manipulating me, by saying I would finally be the child my parents were proud of.

Can you imagine how pissed I was, still to this day I am. I can hold a grudge, when its appropriate. They sent me down against my will. I knew how to live on my own, practically my whole life, I was alone. I hated Helium and the people there, for making me protect Lydia when they knew damn well I didn't want to.

In the beginning all I saw was red, I was blood crazy. I wanted revenge. Watching Lydia made me resent her more. Of course I realized she had no recollection of Helium or who she is.

She would never know how much pain she caused, how much blood was spilled! Yet she still had a family that loved her. She got her way, just like my brothers and sisters did.

Eventually I let my hatred towards her fade. She was innocent, I couldnt be mad at her even when I tried so hard to be. She didnt know and I pitied her. she would die and not even know why. I knew that for as long as she lives I would be there on the sidelines, protecting her.

Lydia was good at being human. She was a natural, believe it or not, I had trouble imagining her on Helium. She had to have been an odd ball. The older we got the closer I got. It wasn't until sophomore year that I realized how beautiful she really was. I was known for my looks, but was she?

I can't believe it took me a year and a half to really realize the attraction I felt towards her. Knowing the magnitude she had on me, I became more wary. I made sure we had a certain amount of distance.

It still makes me laugh, I never thought she knew me and here she was calling me by my name, like we had known each other since kindergarten. It's easy to fall under her spell.

Sometimes I wonder if that's how my family died. They got to close and slipped up. I'm determined to make sure that doesn't happen to me. I can't risk everything, just to be with her. It's not just our lives hanging in the balance, it's millions.

Her protectorWhere stories live. Discover now