"My Heart Is Heavy"

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I know I said I'd post this Saturday, but I'm really stoked and I really want to post it now. So here's the first chapter! Hope you enjoy! :) -Angel:D


I clicked on the big button with bold letters that spelled out "upload." It was a bright spring day in the middle of April. Wednesday, the 17th. It was upload day for me.

Every Wednesday I upload a new vocal cover to my YouTube account. I'm not going to lie, I was getting a tad bit popular on YouTube. My videos were getting over a hundred thousand views each, and I had a good amount of subscribers. I never thought I'd get this far. I'm not the next Justin Bieber though. Quite frankly, I don't want to be. I don’t want to take the easy way out to the career I wanted, but then again, I’d never let a huge opportunity slip through my fingers.

I guess I’d take the easy way out, but I’d rather take the hard way.

My most popular cover had over eight hundred thousand views. It honestly made me wonder sometimes if an artist actually would discover me.

I laughed at myself as I walked into my bathroom and gave myself a once over before I left for work. My mid length brunette hair was straight and my mascara and eyeliner complimented my hazel eyes. I smiled and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and iPod from my desk in my bedroom and out to the living room of my fourth floor apartment. It was already time to go to work, and I worked at my local record store. I grabbed my keys off the hook on my door. I opened it and locked the door behind me as I walked to the elevators. The doors opened and I walked in and pressed the 1st floor button.

I knew I was being ridiculous for even considering the fact that I could ever be discovered, but there was always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that told me it could happen. That nothing was impossible.

I reached the ground and walked out of the elevators. The Michigan scenery still seemed foreign to me as I walked out the front doors and headed off to the parking lot of my apartment complex.

Memories of how I got here dragged on in my mind...

My friends that screwed me over, and my first love... I never expected everything to crash at once, but it did, and I decided I needed a change. A big one at that. It was a hard change for me, but it needed to happen, or so I told myself. I packed all my things up and moved here to Livonia, Michigan from my hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I had to leave my parents and my best friend, practically my sister, behind. I don't know why I chose Michigan, something about it just screamed at me that Michigan was where I needed to go. Maybe it was the fact that I knew absolutely no one here, or that my past wouldn't be able to haunt me here, but somehow, this was my chosen destination.

I missed my parents and Hope everyday. I kept in contact with them, but it’s never quite the same as having them here with me. It sucked, but I don’t think I could have handled that town for another day after all the bad vibes and memories that washed up there.

Sighing, I climbed into my black Ford Mustang and started it. I plugged in my iPod and put it on shuffle.

The Legend Of Zelda by my favorite musician, DJ, and producer, Zedd, came up first. I loved him so much. He was an inspiration to me, and I idolized him. One day, I wanted to meet him and to see him perform live. He was amazing.

I pulled out of my parking spot and began the drive to my job. Scenarios that I was certain wouldn't ever come true went through my mind. What if Zedd discovered me? I thought of all the possibilities and the opportunities that could arise. I caught myself smiling as I finally got to my job. I shook the thought away, that would never happen.

I turned off the car, gathered my things, hoped out, and locked it. Walking in to the record store, I noticed one of my best friends here in Michigan was already here putting CD's on the racks. Her name was Claire, and she welcomed me here with open arms. She didn't judge, she actually understood my need to leave the place I wasn't for sure was still my home. She was my height, standing at 5'6. She had beautifully tanned skin, and long coffee brown hair. She had gorgeous bright green eyes, and she always had a smile on her face. We had similar music tastes, and we always found ways to get in trouble and have fun.

Behind the register was our manager Zach. He also welcomed me with open arms, and he was just as much of a friend as Claire was. He was taller than both Claire and I. He stood at around 6 feet. He has blonde hair that swooped around his face, and he had pretty grayish blue eyes. He was awesome to be around and he was an awesome friend.

Seeing as there were no customers in the store since the store didn't open for another 10 minutes, I shouted a big "Hey!"

Claire and Zach gladly returned it.

"New cover today yeah?" Zach asked with a smile.

"Should be uploading now!" I replied.

"I can't wait to see it!" Claire laughed.

I smiled, "thanks for the support. I really appreciate it!" I said as I clocked in for work.

"No problem!" They said in unison. I laughed.

"Hey is it my day to control the playlist?" I asked.

"I do believe so!" Zach said.

"Awesome!" I shouted as I plugged in my iPod to the dock which connected to the speakers throughout the store. I turned on my store playlist and put it on shuffle.

Once again, the first thing that came up was Zedd. I smiled again.

Claire must have noticed because she started laughing. "Why so smiley?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just really love Anton and his music." I smiled back.

"I can tell." She replied.

"Time to open!" Zach announced.

 With that, the day started.


"Why Are You My Clarity?" - A Zedd Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now