Author's Note :)

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First off, thank you so much for reading this story! I love you and I appreciate your support so much. Words can’t explain how overwhelmed I am with the success of this story. Over 3,000 reads!? Gosh, I really wasn’t even expecting 1! I never expected this. Honestly, this was just something to keep me busy, and it just takes my breath away that it’s gotten the support it’s gotten. Thank you so much! This has been such a fun and awesome experience, and I have all of you amazing readers to thank for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I will never be able to thank you enough for your love and support. I appreciate you all so much. YOU. ARE. AMAZING! <3

 Second, the sequel! Yes, there will be one! When I will start it, I’m not sure. I can either wait until next summer to start it, or I can start it now, but with slower updates due to school. School always takes up the majority of my time. I really don't want to wait that long to start, but I also don't want slow updates. Please tell me your opinions! Also, I’m not 100% sure on where I want to take the sequel yet, so it might be a few weeks before I start if I start it before next summer.

 Third, would anyone be interested if I posted a playlist for this story? I really want to make one for it, but I want to know your opinions! Music can really amplify feelings, which is why I really want to do one. Feel free to list some songs you feel fit this story and tell me what you think. :)

 Also, I made a reading list of some AMAZING Zedd and Porter Robinson fan fics that you should check out! :D The list can be found on my profile, and it’s called “Zedd and Porter Robinson Fan Fiction.” You should definitely check out the list because these fanfics are amazing! Also, you might find some new fan fiction that you didn't know about! That's my ultimate goal for the list! If you have a Zedd and/or PR fanfic or one that you know of that isn’t on the list, feel free to tell me so I can add it. :)

  I’m really sad to see this story come to a close, but this is definitely not the last of Granton. :) I love you all so much, and thank you for all of your support. Ich liebe dich. ;) -Angel:D

&quot;Why Are You My Clarity?&quot; - A Zedd Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now