"I'll Follow You Down"

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Anton's P.O.V:

“Porter, she’s not waking up.” I sighed, still holding her hand, looking at Grace. I sat in a chair next to the bed, just waiting for those gorgeous eyes of hers to open. Porter sat on the other side of her bed, trying to keep me positive, which unfortunately wasn’t working well for me. We were both running on no sleep.

The hospital room wasn't making things any better. It was white, with a little bit of color from the baby blue trims and such, and there was a painting on the wall of what looked like a fruit bowl. The most color was coming from the window that revealed the rising sun and the city. Usually the beeping of the heart machine would be found annoying, but I was thankful it was there, just to remind me that she’s still alive, despite how she looked.

“Give her some time, It’s only been a few hours since she got out of surgery. She had internal bleeding and she lost a lot of blood from that head wound. She isn’t going to wake up right away.”

“I know you’re right. I’m just worried Porter.” I sighed, kissing her hand for the thousandth time.

“I understand bro, just believe. She’s a trooper.”

“She is.” I trailed off, wondering if I should propose my idea to Porter or not. I finally decided I should, just because it’s for Grace’s safety. “I think we should move in with Grace.” I said as I looked up at him, the first time I took my eyes off Grace in what seemed like forever.

“Why?” He asked, confusion eminent on his face.

“What if Aaron comes back? They still haven’t caught him. There’s enough room for both of us, and it’s only until Aaron comes back. We’ve been staying in hotels anyway. Plus, this way we know she’s safe. She can’t defend herself like this.”

“Ah, I see where you’re coming from. I’d rather see her safe too, and if I could get my hands on that sorry excuse for a man, that’d make things even better. He deserves a good ass kicking now more than ever.” He smiled a small smile.

I laughed, “Thanks man. I really appreciate it.” I smiled back at him. “I’d love to get my hands on him too. I’ve never hated someone so much in my life. I hate him more than I hate Halley, and that says something.”

“That’s a lot of hate.” He laughed.

I chuckled in response, looking down at Grace again. “I really love her, Porter.”

“I know you do.” He replied, I looked up at him to see him looking at her, smiling. He looked back up at me,  “And she loves you too.”

“You know how to make me feel better you know that?”

“I do.” He laughed. I smiled in response, and looked back down to have my eyes meet with Grace’s.


Grace's P.O.V:

“I really love her Porter.” Who’s that? Who’s Porter?

“I know you do, and she loves you too.” Are they talking about me?

“You know how to make me feel better you know that?” Wait, I know that voice. I know both of the voices.

I slowly opened my eyes, to find myself in a white room, with a little bit of baby blue color around. What was I doing here?

Two guys sat on either side of me. One was wearing a deep v-neck black shirt and a gray jacket. His hair was tousled up. Porter!

The other was holding my hand. He wore a red plaid shirt, and his hair was also tousled up in the same fashion as Porter’s. Anton. My Anton!

“I do.” Porter said with a laugh. Anton smiled. That smile. I missed it. He looked down at me and I met those gorgeous eyes of his. He seemed so tired and sadness and worry reflected in his eyes. Those eyes lit up when he looked down at me.

“Oh my God, Grace you’re awake.” He kissed my hand again and squeezed it.

“Why am I here?” I croaked. It was hard to breathe. I could feel a little bit of pain on every inch of my body, but mostly in my stomach.

“You don’t remember?” Porter asked.

“No, not really. It’s just a blur.” I replied.

“Well, Aaron came back, and he,” Anton gritted his teeth as he said these words, “hurt you. Really bad. You had two cracked ribs, internal bleeding, and you had to get a few stitches on your head and a blood transfusion.”

I winced as all the memories came back to me. Every detail flooded into my mind as I remembered the horrible things that happened.

“I’m so sorry.” I whispered, looking up at the ceiling.

“You have nothing to apologize for Grace.” Porter said taking my other hand in his. “All that matters is that you’re okay.”

“Exactly, You’re okay, and that’s all that matters,” Anton said, kissing my hand once more.

I sighed, fighting back tears. I couldn’t imagine how they felt throughout the night. Especially Anton.

“I didn’t mean to put you guys through this. I’m sorry.” I mumbled, avoiding all eye contact.

“Grace,” Anton whispered. “Look at me.” I looked into his eyes, they were still so gorgeous. They made me go weak, which is almost impossible considering that I was as weak as could be right now.  “You have nothing to be sorry about. I know for a fact you didn’t choose for this to happen, and I know you would have done everything you could to stop it. Aaron is a dick. It’s his fault, not yours. I love you, Grace. I truly do. Nothing is going to change that. I can’t bear to see you hurt, and I’m just relieved and so damn happy that you’re okay. You have nothing to apologize about.”

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and Anton wiped it away. “I love you too. I love both of you. So much.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” Porter said. I squeezed both of their hands.

“I found out what happened to Hope... Well, kinda.” I sighed remembering what Aaron told me. I just hoped she was okay.

Anton shook his head, “It all makes sense now.”

“That’s how he found me. He overheard her in McDonalds, and decided he didn’t like the fact that I moved on. Hope wasn’t telling him any details, and he got... Violent.” I shuddered, “I don’t know what he exactly did to her, but I pray it wasn’t nearly as bad as what he did to me.”

“That guy is a fucking dick.” Porter sighed next to me.

Anton nodded in agreement.

“Did they catch him?” I asked.

“No, they didn’t.” Anton replied, “but Porter and I want to move in with you, that way we know you’re safe if he decides to come back. You can’t defend yourself like this, and I don’t care if you’re one hundred percent well, we don’t want him to hurt you again. Besides, we’d both love to get our hands on him.” He smirked.

“I’d very much appreciate that. I’d hate to go back there by myself right now. Thank you guys so much.”

They both smiled at me, and somehow I felt okay again.

Thank you so much for the support everyone!!! I love you all so much!<3 -Angel:D

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