Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1-

                I made my way down the large auditorium of my school, passing many students hanging out with their friends and talking amongst each other. The wide hallways made it easy for me to glide through without bumping into anyone, and with a heavy book bag slung over my shoulder I walked slowly and wearily to the library to start up on my essay in AP World History about World War 2. In front of the entrance way to the library was Cody Strong, with his idiotic posy that all seem to worship everything about him, but I can’t totally blame them all. He’s a tall guy standing at six feet tall and a muscular build since he plays Quarter Back for the football team and is the Varsity Co-Captain of the swim team, plus to top it all off somehow he’s kept an A and B average since 6th grade. His blonde windswept hair and sky blue eyes makes it so irresistible to not even be able to give this guy a second glance. It’s no wonder why most of the student body worships at his feet, he’s The Man, The Heartthrob of every teenage girl, The Guy every young male wanted to be, and my worst enemy. I came to a halt when his body stood between me and the textbooks about World War 2. I stared up at his towering figure; he must have been a foot taller than me if not a little a less. “Where are you going BM?” my head snapped to the right from where the noise came from, there Luke Grogan, Cody’s best friend was, of course he would call me BM short for my initials Bethany McGee. It was the most irritating and rude nick name any human being could have. Who in the world wants to be called poop as a nick name? I heard snickers cross through the air as I darted my eyes up at Luke.

                “Nothing of your concern, Grogan.” I scoffed. I decided to walk around the figure in my way, but to my dismay the tall giant in front of me shifted his body so he would be blocking my path once more. I heard a snicker from Cody in front of me. This only made me angrier inside; I stared down at my feet not wanting to meet eye contact with him. I heard the click of a door being opened behind him, making him have to move out of the way for the person. I took this as my only chance to get in there without needing to talk to him; I hastily made my way inside and past him. My feet moved my body trudging through the library over to the nonfiction section.

                “Beth over here.” A loud whisper, yelled out through the almost deserted media center. My head swung over to the computers where I saw my best friend Liz with our other friend Julie, waving me over. I plopped my book bag down next to me as I took the empty chair by Liz.

                “Hey guys, what do you need? I gotta go find a book for one of my sources in my History class.”

                “Ugh, all you do is study and for Pete's sakes it's Monday for cryin' out loud. No one does homework in the morning on a Monday, especially when the assignment isn’t even due till next week,” Liz replied by rolling her emerald eyes, “Come here, sit and talk to us before we all have to go to class. You know you can’t keep hiding yourself in your studies all the time.” I ignored her last comment.

                “I saw you standing outside the library's doors for a minute or two. What happened?” Julie interjected, releasing me from Liz’s main priorities at the time.

                “Oh, it was just the big egotistical idiot, Cody. He wouldn’t let me in the library.” I said with a look of disgust. Julie and Liz broke up laughing all of a sudden. “What’s so funny?”

                “It’s- it’s your facial expression! It’s hilarious!” Liz chimed in. “Your face got all twisted up and it looked like you were constipated.” She finished off with a sigh in her laughter. My face became flat with her words but ended up breaking into a fit of laughs with her and Julie. I watched wearily as the librarian scolded my group and I.

                “Hey, Beth, why do you hate Cody so much anyways?” I turned to Julie and made a pissed off face once again from hearing his name.

                “He’s a total jerk with a huge ego that could fill up enough fuel in a NASA Spaceship and with additional fuel left over.” Julie gave me a flat look in return. “Ugh, fine. It all started in 4th grade, I was new to the school and my mom had gotten a job there as the school’s nurse. At first, we simply ignored each other but then one day we were all in line for a piece of chocolate cake from this kid in our class who was celebrating a birthday. I was in front of him and he kept pushing me to move. I resisted his pushed and pushed him back. We ended up pushing each other harshly until I slipped and fell, having my knee cut into one of the bolts on the desk.” I glanced down at my right knee which still had the large scar that’s been there for the past seven years, always reminding me of him. “He also-“I was cut off by the first bell ringing, signaling us all to head off to class. “I’ll tell you guys later, bye” I gave them a small smile and wave, walking out of the library heading off to first period which was Spanish 3- Honors. Ugh Spanish my worst subject and with the world’s biggest jerk too, who sadly is the teacher’s pet in the class. I marched my way up the crowded steps with all the other students, heading off to our lockers or class.

                When I reached my locker, I saw Cody and his girlfriend of one- week making out in the corner of my eye. Ugh, couldn’t they do that in private or something? I stuffed my text books and binders into my locker and pulled out what I needed for my first three classes of the day. I briskly walked past them, not wanting watch the vulgar scene anymore.

                Class in Spanish was usually boring and confusing for me, even as a straight A student I still found myself struggling to keep up with this class. Why I even thought I could handle Spanish 3- Honors, I will never know. I found my seat up in the front of class and began talking to one of my acquaintances Nancy about the homework from last night. Mrs. Delores walked into class; following right at her heels was Cody. I sighed deeply as I watched Mrs. Delores walk over to the class seating chart and pick out new seats for everyone. She did this very rarely but I enjoyed my seating arrangement already. I placed my head down as she read off the seats. “Joe, sit right here…” she piped out, tapping a desk in front of where she was standing. She kept calling out the new seating arrangement, and as she reached my spot I began packing up my things. “Beth, you can stay where you are, you’re not moving. Beside Beth is… um Cody.” My eyes gaped open, are you serious? I have to sit next to the most pompous and arrogant person in the school? As he plopped down beside me, I glared at him the whole time.

                “Ya know, if you keep your face that way for a long time, it will stay that way forever.” Cody said with a grin.

                “Ha, ha, ha, very funny…” I replied sarcastically. He just chuckled at my remark. Class began soon enough and not before long I found myself daydreaming rather than pay attention to Mrs. Delores about how to conjugate verbs in future tense. I let my eyes wander very cautiously over to where Cody sat. He was staring up at the over head projector screen writing down the notes up there. The class passed by agonizingly to long for me, when the bell rang I grabbed my book bag as fast as I could and sped out of the room, heading to P.E. I couldn’t stand to sit next to Cody anymore he kept answering all the questions to Mrs. Delores as if there was no tomorrow, while I sat there in my seat quietly not even understanding what she was trying to teach us. How is it that Cody understands Spanish so well?


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