It's 9:30pm and I'm sitting on my bed staring at my face book notifications and messages when my phone starts buzzing,A new text message.
I pick up the phone and its my best friend, Tasha. I flip it open and here's what she says:
"Alexa i need you to come over. Now." I text her back quickly "I'm on my way be there soon" I get up and practically throw the lap top on the bed and hurry to get dressed.
I step out the door and i could swear i heard rustling somewhere, I wasn't sure so i locked the door and started down the street to Tasha's.
I'm halfway down the street when i see a tall shadow casting from being me I look back and i see a gorgeous blond hair and blue eyed guy, Much taller then me and older than me. He opens his mouth and reveals a pair of razor sharp fangs. I start to run immediately but he caught me by my arm and i started screaming. He put his hand over my mouth and whispered slowly and softly in my ear "Alexa, It's gonna be OK"
My phone buzzed softly in my pocket and he grabbed it out and smashed it into pieces and started running as fast as lightening and i couldn't see a thing that was happening around me.
When he jolted to a stop i felt out of breath and i didn't have a clue where we we're. I looked around my surroundings, I noticed i was in a reasonably large room.
The walls we're crimson and the Curtains black, The soft fur carpet was white. There was a small table with about 4 books piled in the middle and a wooden chair pulled towards it, Examining the room i saw the man again.
"Alexa" He said in a soft tone "Don't be afraid i don't want to hurt you"
I looked away and looked down at the rug beneath my shoes. He's a vampire. Don't talk to him Alexa vampires are evil, I kept repeating it in my head over and over again.
"Dear Alexa, I am a vampire but i will not hurt you" He said with a look of mad hunger on his face.
"Right so you kidnapped me for the fun of it?" i said sarcastically "Yeah, i Believe you" And with that he was by my side staring at my neck with such thirst on his stone cold face.
"Don't even think about it...." I said in a shaky voice
"Elijah, And what do you think you could do if i did?"
"I.. i.. i don't know.. i'd find a way now what do you want with me?" I said more defeated then earlier.
"I just want a taste.." He said turning my head slowly ducking in. His fangs scraped my skin softly i felt completely useless. He bit into my neck hard and i screamed.
"Alexa stop yelling!" He almost screamed at me.
He bit his skin and rubbed his blood on my wounds and i felt little pain and then they disappeared completely. I rubbed my neck in confusion of what happened, I knew vampires could heal them self, But others too? He saw the look of confusion on my face and put his hand on my shoulder lightly.
"Alexa, There is many things you will learn about vampires" He said with a look of promise
"But.. When can i leave?" I asked a little worried about the answer
"When i'm done with you" he replied calmly
"But my friends.." I really started worrying now
"Well, See vampires have another power, We can erase or change peoples memories, I erased theirs, They don't even know you exist" He looked proud about this and it kind of disgusted me. "Alexa, Get settled i have an errand to run, I will be back shortly, And if your planning anything, You might as well forget it" He said walking towards the door.
I gripped his shirt as he walked off and he turned to me sharply. I frowned up at him with a look of desperation in my eyes.
"Don't leave me.. let me go.. please Elijah" i said using his name for the first time. He smirked at me and walked off shutting and locking the door behind him.
I looked around the room for a plan of escape but there was no windows and it was so dark in here.. The only source of light was a small candle that blew out a only a few seconds after Elijah left. I felt along the spots of the candle and a small box of matches we're in my hand. I quickly lit one and the candle flickered on once again. I sit on the large sofa near the wall of the door and began thinking about everything i knew about vampires, It quickly started turning out a lie, Except the evilness. I'm guessing it was still night time as i was sure vampires couldn't stand to walk in the sun. But it had to be at least 12 by now. I felt the spot Elijah's fangs had bitten me still amazed at the fact that he could heal others. I wonder how many there are.. are they all like Elijah? I have so many questions right now i wish i had someone to answer them.
New chapter out =] please tell me what you think!

A vampire boyfriend?!
VampireHonestly, I didn't really like vampires. I didn't believe in them either. I wasn't into all the twilight crap and sparkly vampires like most of the other female population. I didn't really know about them either, I knew they were blood-thirsty evil...