"Wow" I said running over to him quickly "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine" He said looking down.
"You should sit.. You look bad" I said pulling him towards the couch. He sat on the couch and Dimitri stared up at me awkwardly.
"Where is he?" Dimitri asked staring at his brother.
"Gone." Mikhail said looking up at me.
"Gone as in dead?" Dimitri asked.
"No gone as in gone to a party. Yes dead you dipshit" He replied.
"He's dead.. He's gone.. Elijah.." As much as i disliked him.. I couldn't believe he was dead.
"Alexa i.. i did it for you.. i thought its what you wanted" Mikhail looked up at me with disappointed eyes. Regardless of the pain he must be in, I was still a little pissed at him, I asked for nothing and now Elijah's dead.
"I didn't ask for that" i said in such a low tone you could almost not hear it. I sat on the couch next to Dimitri and laid my head on his shoulder looking straight forward at nothing, Small tears fell from my eyes slowly.
"Hey its OK" Dimitri said wiping the tears from my eyes.
"I'm sorry" Mikhail said putting his hand on my shoulder. I shouldn't be mad at him. I shouldn't care if Elijah was dead or alive, He simply wanted me because of Caroline. I kept telling myself that but it didn't help.
"Mikhail you should'nt feel sorry.. you did it for me" I wiped the last tears from my eyes and looked over at him.
"Alexa.. are you ok?" Dimitri asked holding me in his arms.
"Fine.." I said looking down at the floor "Thanks.. Both of you"
"Well i better go get cleaned up" Mikhail said getting up and walking out of the room. After he left Dimitri kissed me softly and i put my hands around his neck deepening the kiss and laid back as he went over me hovering my body slowly. I unbuttoned his shirt and there it was. What i'd been seeing when i was with Elijah. I pulled him closer as he raised my T-shirt slowly over my head.
"I love you Alexa" He said as his hands went on my hips and then over my bra and around my neck. He nibbled on my neck softly and brought his teeth to my lips and bit them softly.
"I love you too Dimitri" I bit him back and he undone my bra slowly and gazed at me.
"I can't.. Not now.." he stopped what he was doing and stared at me seriously.
"What? why?" I said pulling him back to me. God why did he stop now?
"It's.. It's not right Alexa.. Elijah just died because of you" I glared at him when he was saying this.
"What the fuck? Now you pick to do this?" I jumped up and put my clothes back on.
"I'm sorry" He said staring at me with a sad face.
I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs slowly and walked into the bathroom and started crying. I'm not good enough? I sat in the corner, My knees pulling up to my chest and my face in my hands. A knock on the door came and Mikhail walked in.
"Whats wrong?" He asked confused and walked over to sit by me.
"Dimitri" I said slowly.
"What did he do?" He asked putting his arm around my neck.
"It's what he didn't do" I said sniffling. He gave a thoughtfully look and then gazed at me.
"Oh.. I'm sorry.. It's ok Alexa" He said moving my hair out of my face.
"It's ok" I said looking up at him. I didn't notice how deep brown his beautiful eyes are.
"Alexa.. I know how much you love Dimitri.. But he did it for a reason" He said in a sweet tone with his hand on my shoulder.
"Why then?" I asked curious.
"Well.. Many reasons.. He's scared.. And it could hurt you.." He said trailing off.
"Dimitri wouldn't hurt me. And how do you know what happened?" I gave him a furious look.
"I just do" He said and winked "He could, And he loves you too much to let that happen.. I love you too much to let that happen"
"What?" The last thing he said caught me.
"I.. nothing Alexa" He said getting up quickly.
I sat there in the corner in surprise at what i'd just heard, All of it. He loves me? Mikhail loves me. Dimitri's brother loves me. Dimitri loves me. Elijah died because he loved me. Why did that surprise me? I already had two vampires that loved me.. Well one now not counting Mikhail, I mean.. Did vampires have a thing for me? But Mikhail. I've known him for probably.. 2 or 3 hours? How could he love me?
"Alexa" I heard Dimitri calling for me so i stood up instantly walking out the door. Dimitri stood in front of the bathroom door still looking sad about earlier.
"Did you.. Did you hear what Mikhail said?" I asked him curiously.
"No. What did he say?" He gave me the same curious look i had.
"Uh.. Oh nothing just that i was safe with you" I said smiling.
"Of course you are Alexa" He said pulling me into a hug. Though his skin was scarcely cold all i felt was tender warmness.
"So.. Tell me why Mikhail came here" I asked him curiously.
"I have no idea, And why was he with you and Elijah" he asked and i noticed he knew the name still hurt me so he gave a slight frown.
"I don't know.. We heard noises and he was demanding to see you so we showed him to your house or.." I was going to say Elijah but i stopped i still didn't want to say his name out loud.
"Oh.. Well look i'm sorry about earlier i just.." I stopped him then.
"I know Dimitri, Mikhail told me and he said.." I stopped i couldn't tell him.
"He said what?" He eyed me cautiously.
"Never mind.." I said looking away.
"Are you sure?" He asked still looking at me and i nodded.
"It's not important" I said looking back.

A vampire boyfriend?!
VampirHonestly, I didn't really like vampires. I didn't believe in them either. I wasn't into all the twilight crap and sparkly vampires like most of the other female population. I didn't really know about them either, I knew they were blood-thirsty evil...