Best friends

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I was four years old when I meet my best friend ever well I didn't know that she would be my best friend as we were really awkward around each other. She was the new girl in our pre prep class and she was very shy I don't think I was very nice when I was younger I only cared about myself, so I didn't make an effort to be friends with her. Little did I know that the best thing would happen in the following two years when we were only six . We were in prep one and the fire bell went off, we saw misty grey smoke arise from the school with flaming fire burning through the class Windows. The teachers all chased after us quickly, but only Sophia and I understood what was happening. The fire was spreading faster, and faster until Sophia and I snuck out of the school and run two the nearest place that we could find. Finally the fire men showed up, at this point the teachers had found us ducked behind the head masters small car. They shouted us but all I could do was laugh.

They stood us in lines ready to be collected by are parents, my mum showed up first she was so worried she kissed me all over. I looked of my mums shoulder to see Sophia all on her own I felt really bad for her. It turned out that her mum had to work so she was going to have to stay with the teachers. I tugged on my mums jumper as we were walking to the car and asked her if Sophia could come to our house, she replied yes so I ran over to her and brought her over to the car.

It turned out that Sophia lived on our road and we didn't even realise we were so happy that we could see each other more often since she lived a few doors down. Her mum turned up a few hours later, when she turned up she hug Sophia so tightly I thought she was going to be smooshed to death her mum seemed very nice and both my mum and her mum got along.

That's when we became best friends...

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