Sophia's P.O.V
20th September
I woke up early this morning feeling ecstatic all over I had a huge smile printed on the front of my petite face. I opened my blinds to see Emily standing there with a missive sign saying happy four minutes as I was born at 7:43 and it was 7:39!
I sarcastically frowned at her but we both broke out in laughter.Emily's P.O.V
As I waited behind the window each minute I subtracted how long it was until it was 100% official that she was 12 years old. She ripped her curtains open and all I could see was a huge smile all across her rather tiny face. It was funny to see her and I count down the minutes for her birthday. 3 2 1 happy birthday Sophia I shouted.Sophia's P.O.V
Finally 3 2 1 ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I could kinda see Emily mouthing that even though I couldn't hear a word she was saying I just cheered along pretend I new what the hell was happening. Suddenly the door swang open with my mum and little sister Lilly singing happy birthday to me and the top of there voices I was so happy I looked out the window to see Emily singing along and all three of us just nodded along like we new what she was Saying ( we had know clue) my little sister Lilly who was only 5 started jumping up and down on my bed. Mean while Emily rushed through my front door hugging lilly and my mum then running up stairs and pouncing on me!Emily's P.O.V
As I rushed through Mrs Trevor's (Sophia's mum) front door I quickly hugged both her and Lilly as they where like my sister and second mum. Then dashed up stairs to see the beautiful yet bed headed birthday girl who I jumped on we both started laughing . Soon after my mum (Mrs Jones/Jenny) walked through the door caring my sister cat and holding hands with cats twin sister gabby they are two years old. Both Sophia and I wondered down the winded stair case to find a bundle of presents on the table including mine. My mum gave her a big hug and said happy birthday. Cat and Gabby both sat on either of my knees while Lilly sat on Sophia she started with her presents from grandparents which were all lovely clothes and vouchers. Then moved on to a little present from Lilly which was a couple of DVDs and a pretty necklace. Then her main present which was...Sophia's P.O.V
...A laptop thank you so much mum it's perfect I said happily it's the one I wanted thank you so much I love it, I gave her a big hug a kiss on the cheek. Then it was time to open Emily's Present it looked massive! I tore open the brightly coloured wrapping paper to find a stunning real silver locket with picture of us from when we were young in it. I hugged tightly and said that I loved it obviously I loved it who wouldn't ? Then it was time to open the big present I quickly tore the paper and in big letter it said ZIP WIRE and my eyes went big and I am pretty sure I was so happy that I pushed Lilly off my lap and crushed Emily as I was hugging her, I love it so much. THANK YOU, THANK YOU I said over and over again. Then I seemed to find a little letter attached to the box saying I KNOW I AM AT MATH BUT....I worked out that we can attach each end of the zip wire to each of are window sills!!! My jaw literally dropped and hugged her again thanking her another billon times.
My mum ( Amy) and Emily's mum ( Jenny ) didn't look to pleased with This and made it very clear to us that there would be some rules with this zip wire. This is the best birthday ever!! Thanks everyone.Emily' P.O.V
Wow I am so glad everything went to plan and she loved all her presents few...

Best friends
RandomIn my story it's based on two girls called Emily and Sophia who become best friends and share everything together. And there is a big twist to the story.