Emily's P.O.V
Omg it's my birthday I am 12 like Sophia. I ripped open my curtains to find Sophia on the Zip Wire holding a sign saying happy birthday for 1 hour and 17 minutes ago. We both laughed. I pulled her up through my bed room window and we jumped up and down on my bed 100 times over. Then walked down stairs to find loads of presents all different sizes. I start will all the relatives which give me make up you the usual stuff and my grandma got me the benefit hamper with all my favourite products! And then I opened the present from my mum I had know clue what it was... I did I had been asking for it for ever! I opened it viciously to find the Apple Mac laptop yes thank you mum I screamed down her ear. Then it was time to open Sophia's present. But I had opened all of the presents there were known left? Where was the present? Then she slipped me a small envelop with my name written in italic across it, I wondered what it was? I un peeled the sticky part to find two tickets for the jingle bell ball!!!! On the 5th of December! Omg Soph thank you million trillion times. I love it.Sophia's P.O.V
Yes I am so happy she like's the present, you have know idea how hard it was to buy the tickets but it was all worth it to see her face light up as she opened it. Our mums tell us we have to get ready for school as we have school on her birthday I know right so unfair! Away since Em is so good at what looks good on me let alone her! and stuff like that and has great taste un like me I am more musical I use my songs to express how I feel which is normally happy, also I play the guitar and I am grade seven.Emily P.O.V
Once again I show Soph what to wear I do this every to be honest I love doing it as I am addicted to fashion. But I have to admit I need to get singing lessons from her I mean you have no clue how good she is until you probably hear her she is incredible! I find it so unfair how I have to go to school today I mean for gods sake it my birthday. I turn up school in my favourite ripped jeans and the light pink top with cut out shoulders and my black high tops and cute jumper. And I am ready for boring school. once again.
I arrived back from school with bundles of presents from friends and there all really nice. I guess I had a good birthday even though I spent it at school at least I got amazing presents!!

Best friends
RandomIn my story it's based on two girls called Emily and Sophia who become best friends and share everything together. And there is a big twist to the story.