(2 years later) Emily's POV
I am 18 now and just got my A level results back and there so much better then I expected and my teachers say I could get into an amazing university with my results, I am over the moon. There is only one thing that's wrong, scarlet my precious little girl, I don't want to leave her behind but it's my dream to go to UCL. My mum made it very clear that she can look after scarlet, but I want to be the one to look after her as I am her mum I need to be there for her. I have mixed feelings.Jenny's POV
I can't believe my Emily got into UCL! I am so proud of her this is amazing news. But she is freaking out about little scarlet and leaving her, I can easily look after her I don't see what the problem is. She would come back every week end as we live quite close, maybe she would come back even more than that who knows? I just want her to live dream.Emily's POV
I made up my mind I need to go this is a once in a life time opportunity and if I don't take it will hold me back forever.
I have decided I will come back every Tuesday, Friday,Saturday as I need to be there on Sunday's. I a am really leaving this is un real. Apparently when I don't have to many lessons I can bring scarlet for the day as she is two now we have got her out of the crying stage thank god.
In two days I will be off I am so excited even though I am doubting my mum slightly. I am all packed up and ready to go, I don't start till Monday but I am leaving on Saturday to sort out my room, scarlet is coming with, Sunday I will drive her home. (2 days later) I say my good byes 10 times then I finally get in my white mini with scarlet. We drive for around 1 hour which isn't to bad as we did a couple of stops. I pull up at a massive building which has a huge entrance. I slowly walk in carrying scarlet. " hello do you know where I sign in" I say. "Yes if you go to the left to the office they will show you to your room" said a nice lady, I walk down and turn left. " hello umm the lady down the hall told me to ask for room 102" I said, " oh yes you must be miss jones I will show you to your room love" she say sweetly. Ok thank you. We wonder and winded down the hall up the stairs, up the stairs and again up the stairs and room 102 is right there, she opens the door and passes me the key. " if you need anything just give me a shout" ahh so nice I thought. Wow I have a really big room I quickly chose my bed and the side I want and get ready, to meet my room mate. The door slowly opened and a really pretty girl came in she have short brown straight hair bright brown eyes and a huge smile. " hi I am Emily and this is scarlet" I said smiling. " hey I am Josie Ahhhhh you have such a cute baby" " ahh thank you she just turned two" I said proudly.Josies POV
I really like Emily she seems really nice and little girl is adorable. Emily and I sat down talking about everything we chatted forever it felt like, we both went to unpack all our stuff we both had loads of boxes to carry in, we wondered around the school looking around. Then we went down stairs for dinner, I put Scarlet to bed as Emily was really tired and needed her sleep wow we are all ready close.Emily's POV
I woke up the next morning, Scarlet already awake, Josie fast asleep. I went to the bathroom across the hall holding Scarlets hand when I herd a noise sounded like some boys messing around, I looked to my left to see Charlie!!! My ex boyfriend father of my baby who left me. Oh great I ran straight into the bathroom breathing heavily. How did Charlie get in to a school like this? I can't believe what he did to me when I told him about Scarlet he told me he would be there for me but instead he never came round and I never saw him, until now. I was sitting on the toilet lid shaking scar was staring at me. Little did she know about her dad was out side of this bathroom I slowly opened the door to check if he was there, few he's not I opened the door I came tumbling in. Josie was awake. We went down for break fast preying that I wouldn't see Charlie. We sat down and as I was cutting Scarlets food he entered uh oh...

Best friends
RandomIn my story it's based on two girls called Emily and Sophia who become best friends and share everything together. And there is a big twist to the story.