Emily's POV
I am now 7 months pregnant and getting more and more nervous as the days go on but I wasn't as big as mum was when she was 7 months, but I am still pretty big. It was around 3:00am when I started feeling pains in the left of my tummy. I shouted Sophia, mum, Nick and they all came running into my room. They quickly got me to the hospital, but I didn't want to have the baby today she or he would be so premature. The doctor took me to the emergency room.Jenny's POV
My baby girl was about the have her own baby girl, I no we don't know the gender but I am positive it's a girl. We are all waiting in the hospital room, it's so quiet I can only hear the tick tock of the clock and the beat of my heart. I was going to become and grandma! There was one thing Emily wanted Charlie (boyfriend father of the baby) todo and that was to be there for her, and she hasn't seen him since she told him about the baby. Around 6 in the morning was when a young nurse pushed a wheel chair into the room, and Emily and the smallest baby I have ever seen came into the room. It was a girl I new it. Emily slowly sat down in her baby staring at her precious little girl, she was stunning. My eyes teared up as I slowly reached over to hold her. She was so tiny I could hold her in one hand, I didn't want drop her she was so small and delicate.Sophia's POV
My little niece is perfect she is so small she can fit in mum and nicks hand. When i held her I never wanted to let go she was amazing.Emily's POV
My little girl Scarlet Olivia Jones was perfect she came out as 3.2 pounds tiny. We travelled home at around lunch time with little scarlet in the back with me and Sophia on both sides of her, holding onto her little finger. We arrived home and big banners said welcome home baby boy or girl. As we didn't no the gender. I carried scarlet through the door when all the other kids came running up to us to see the baby, mum was carried Tommy and I carried Scarlet and Nick took a photo of them together.
I have a special girl.

Best friends
RandomIn my story it's based on two girls called Emily and Sophia who become best friends and share everything together. And there is a big twist to the story.