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Now I love sweet kettle corn but buying it can get expensive. You don't REALLY know what they put in those bags either. So the better alternative is making it yourself. You control it and can easily adjust the taste too.

Kettle Corn

1/2 cup popcorn kernels

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup vegetable oil

Salt to taste

1. Heat vegetable oil in a large kettle over medium heat.

2. Then, toss in three kernels, and place the lid on the kettle.

3. Wait for the kernels to pop.

4. Once popped, quickly stir in the sugar, and add the remaining kernels.

5. Replace the lid, and listen for the kernels to start popping.

6. Then, remove the kettle from the stove, and shake to keep the kernels from burning.

7. Return the kettle to the stove for a few seconds; then, lift and shake again.

8. Repeat until all kernels have popped.

9. Then, salt to taste, and enjoy!


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