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It was a cool, snowy, January night when he was born. January 24th, to be exact. The first son of King John and Queen Mary Winchester. The heir to the throne of Arendelle: Dean Winchester. He was a happy child, loved greatly by both of his parents.

It was clear from the beginning that he would have a sense of humor when he grew up....

"Your majesty?" The nurse called out to a sleeping John. "Your majesty??"

John grunted and opened his eyes to see the nurse holding something towards him. Something with a face. A round, delicate face, one with the most beautiful candy green eyes John had ever seen. "Is..... Is this Dean?"

The nurse nodded. "You know, you're the only father I've ever heard of to fall asleep while his wife was giving birth."

"Late-night paperwork can really be a bitch," John chuckled and took the boy in his arms. "Hello there, Dean," he cooed.

Dean reached one of his pudgy little arms out towards John's face and fixed his eyes on his father's........ Then he turned his head and threw up all down the front of John's shirt.

"Son of a bitch," John passed Dean back off to the nurse. At first, the child didn't know what to make of this. Then, he looked right at John and laughed. It was a beautiful laugh, the kind that shook his whole body. The rest of the room's occupants couldn't help but join in.

"That's the first sound he's made!" Mary beamed.

"He's gonna be quite the handful," John sighed and went to change his shirt.

Four years later, Dean's younger brother came. Little Samuel most certainly did not start out with the same good humor as his brother. His cries could be heard throughout the entirety of the castle early on that May morning.

Dean was frustrated. He just wanted to sleep, dammit! But this noise that had been echoing around since two in the morning just. Had. Not. Stopped. What the heck was a stupid baby doing in the castle anyway? No one even had a baby! The four-year-old was grumpy. Until he remembered...... "SAMMY!" He shouted and jumped out of bed, not bothering to put on slippers. He ran across the cold stone floors to his parents' bedroom. How could he have forgotten?? Mommy said that the stork was bringing him a baby brother today!

Dean burst through the door to see three very worried faces. His mother was holding the screaming baby, his father was trying to entertain him by making faces, and the nurse was... Well..... She was going nuts.

"I don't know what the problem is! This boy has been crying since minute one! I've tried feeding him, singing to him, rocking him, EVERYTHING! How is it even possible for a baby to cry for five hours straight?? I mean, he just- he just-" She looked down when Dean tugged on her shirt.

"Can I try?" He looked towards his brother with concern. "I wanna make Sammy happy."

"Well...... I guess it wouldn't hurt any..... Sit here and you can hold him," the nurse pulled a chair up.

Dean did as he was told, taking the wailing Sam when he was handed over and holding him close.

"Hiya Sammy," he spoke quietly, with the hugest of grins plastered on his face. "My name's Dean, and Imma be your big brother from now on, 'kay? And I promise I'll take good care of ya." The elder leaned down and kissed the younger's forehead.

Sam stopped crying almost immediately. His big, brown eyes took in every detail of Dean's face, and somewhere, somehow, in his tiny mind, Sam understood. He knew that Dean would keep his promise.

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