Chapter Two

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The events of the previous night had been forgotten by morning. Dean was ushered off to his daily tutoring, leaving Sam to seek entertainment. He thought he'd go and see if his "Uncle" Bobby was busy.

Robert Singer was King John's advisor. When John was too drunk to do anything (which was often) he did his jobs for him. Bobby practically ran John's country, and he practically raised his kids.

"Bobbyyyy!" Sam ran up to the man and gave him a hug. "Wanna go and play?"

"Can't right now, Sam. I've got a few jobs to do around town. Why don't you see if your Dad feels like playing?"


"Dad! That's not fair! You're bigger!"

The two were having a race down the castle's corridors.

"So you want me to let you win? Then it wouldn't be fair either because you wouldn't really be winning," John laughed.

"UGH your smartness is making me hungry," Sam whined.

"It'll be lunchtime soon."

"But I want to eat now!"

"I'm not getting you food. You'll spoil your appetite."

Sam smirked defiantly. "I'll just get my own food then."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"Like this!" The young boy scrunched up his face in concentration.

"What are you trying to do, magic up food- WHOAH!"

As John spoke, a head of lettuce appeared in Sam's hand. Sam grinned at his father, a real smart-ass look in his eyes.

"How'd you do that?" He asked in disbelief.

"I just thought about lettuce real hard. And then I got some!" The small moose was clearly very proud of himself.

"You're joking..... Right?"

"Nope! I'll do it again!" Sam stared at John for a moment. Pieces of lettuce began falling from the air above them, covering them both. John's face darkened instantly and he grabbed Sam by the arm.

"Let's go into the library. We need to have a talk."


"I dunno why you're being so weird. It's just lettuce. It's good for me."

"That's not the point. Whatever this......... Whatever this is, whatever's causing it is not natural. It's not normal to be able to make anything appear like that! You could be cursed, Sam! This magic could be a very bad thing. In fact, it probably is a very bad thing. In my experience with magic, which I have a lot of, nothing good ever comes of it," John was pacing in front of the bookshelf.

"But..... What's so bad about it? It's not like lettuce hurts you."

"What's bad about it is the king's son has some weird abnormal ability! That the youngest prince is basically a freak! What if word gets out you can do this?? Do you think the citizens will have any respect for us as a monarchy then??"

Sammy was lost. He still didn't understand how it could be such a bad thing. Wouldn't everybody just think it was cool that he had lettuce powers? Why was it bad that he wasn't normal?

"And then there's the matter of it just being plain weird," he continued. "It's not socially acceptable to be able to do something like that. No way can I ever send you to school-"

"But DAD! How am I ever gonna make friends??"

"You likely won't. Can't. Shouldn't. I'm doing this for your own good, Sammy. The other kids would make fun of you. Someone with an ability like yours ought to stay in the house to avoid humiliation."

"Y-you really think it's that bad....? That people would hate me...?" Sam began to tear up.


"Okay. Just...... Please don't tell Dean then, please?" He didn't want his brother to hate him. To think he was a freak.

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