Chapter Five

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He didn't understand what was going on. Why was the lettuce raining? He didn't tell it too. Why were they freaking out? It was just lettuce. And..... Why was Uncle Bobby here? Sam didn't remember seeing him come....

"Sam! What the hell do you think you're doing?" The man rushed over to him. Then he noticed Sam's frozen-with-fear companions. His concern for Sam was overshadowed by anger. He could deal with the kid later.

"Aw shit." Lucifer recognized Bobby. He was a big deal at the palace.... "Run, girls. Get the boat," he whispered as he stepped forward to confront the older

The two men said nothing at first, standing there assessing each other. It would have been an awe-inspiring scene, had it not been for the lettuce occasionally bouncing off of their heads. The lettuce was coming on stronger and stronger. Romaine, oakleaf, buttercrunch, red coral, iceberg...... Every variety you could think of filled the air. It floated with such grace and fluidity it almost reminded them of snow.

Bobby put an end to their staring contest. "What do you want with Sam?" he growled.

"He's a charming young boy. Would have been perfect for our cause. But, seeing as how you're here now, I've got to run. Bye!" At that moment, Ruby and Meg came by on the boat, slowing just enough so Lucy could jump aboard. They waved smugly before speeding off.

Sam was bawling. His dad was right. He couldn't have friends. They just lied to him and used him. He barely noticed when Bobby picked him up and carried him off. He barely heard the "We were looking all over for you. You scared is half to death". He barely felt it when he was set down again on a couch in the palace. He couldn't believe it.... He had loved Meg and Ruby.....


Dean was frantic. He couldn't get Sam to talk to him. He didn't understand what he was crying about. He had no idea what had happened to his brother. Dean was almost crying himself. He'd been sitting with his brother for almost twenty minutes now, with no results.

"Why don't you go play a game or something, kid," Bobby said gently. "I'll see what I can do from here."

Dean did as he was told, though he hated leaving Sam.

Sam, who had almost stopped crying but was still not talking. He didn't want to talk to anyone. What if they thought he was a weirdo, like his dad said anyone who found out about the lettuce thing would? Speaking of his dad..... Here he came now.

"What's got Dean so upset?" He said as he was opening to door. "He walked by my office bawling his eyes-" then he noticed Sam. Covered in lettuce with tear-stained cheeks.

"Dad I swear I didn't make the lettuce on purpose I know you told me not to and I didn't mean to I swear!!!" A new wave of tears came forth.


Bobby interrupted before John could say anything mean, because he was pretty sure he knew what was coming. "I've got this John. Why don't you check up on D-"

"No! Sam is my son, and I'll deal with him! Tell me as much as you know about this, then go."

"Sam wasn't around for his clothes fitting today. The servants and I couldn't find him anywhere here, so we looked around town. He was in the cave on the south side, with a couple of kids. I think they were a bunch from The Southern Isles. Looked like they pretended to be his friends to lure him to their side. And-" he paused, not quite sure how to phrase this in a way that sounded sane, "there was lettuce falling from the sky." With that he gave Sammy a sympathetic look and left.

"You snuck out??" John's voice was dripping with bitterness. "After I specifically told you that you weren't to see anyone?"

"Well Dad I didn't know how else I was gonna make friends! But...." He paused and sniffed, wiping tears from his eyes. "You were right. I'm just a freak. I can't make friends. They tricked me. I'll never go out again or try to talk to anyone I promise......" By this point he was crying so hard he could barely speak. "Just pl-please don't be mad at me....."

"Sam, do you realize the harm you could have caused?? Actually, you probably have caused it. Now the Southern Isles, one of our most important trading partners, knows that a member of the royal family has this weird freakish ability. How can I be sure something like this won't happen again? I can't trust you now! I might have to get Dean to keep a constant eye on you. Bobby clearly isn't doing a good enough job." John was pacing furiously, his gestures even harsher than his words. Sam felt absolutely horrible.

"No!! You can't tell Dean! What if he ends up weirded out and hating me like Meg and Ruby??" He said.

"Then you have to promise me some things. No leaving the castle. Hell, it'll be risky even leaving your room. Learn to control your weird thing. If you can't do that, it'd be better to just avoid people altogether. You never know what kind of luck it'll give people to be around you. You could jinx things."

Sam was nodding fervently throughout all of this. He'd do whatever it took to keep his brother from resenting him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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