Chapter Three

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Of course, Sam didn't listen to his father. He could still make friends! He just..... Wouldn't tell them that he could conjure up lettuce is all. If they didn't know that he was weird, they couldn't hate him for it. All he had to do was wait for Dad to be busy and then sneak out! That would be easy, Dad was always busy.

Sam threw on the dirtiest clothes he could find. He didn't want anyone to recognize him in case they decided to tell on him.


There! In the candy shop! He saw two girls that looked small like him! Maybe they would be his friends. They were both really pretty, one of them had blonde hair and the other one brown. The bell on the door "ding"ed when he opened it, and the girls looked over at him. He was a little bit nervous. He'd never really made friends on his own before..... Jo and Ash came over sometimes, but Sam didn't think they counted because they were Dean's friends too.

Sammy was spared the frightening job of introducing himself, because the blonde girl was already approaching him.

"I've never seen you before!" She rushed over.

"My name's Sammy," he smiled shyly.

"I'm Meg and this is Ruby," she pointed to the brunette who was now at the counter paying for the candy. "We're gonna go sit on the dock and eat our candy, wanna come?"



The air by the water was crisp and refreshing. It was cold, but the kids didn't mind. They were very welcoming, and Sam was happy he'd made such nice friends on his first try. They were definitely friends, Ruby had even said so when she gave Sam a piece of her chocolate.

"How old're you guys?" He asked through a full mouth. "I'm five. Almost."

"Six. I started school this year!" Meg exclaimed.

"I'm eight years old," Ruby smiled.


They played all kinds of games, up until Sam noticed it was getting dark and thought he should go home. He left with a promise of meeting them at the candy store again as soon as he could, because they went there every day after school.

    A week passed, and Sammy had been having the time of his life with his new friends! He met up with them almost every day, and so far no one at the castle had noticed he was gone. Today would be no exception, he hoped.

    He followed the by-now-memorized route through town: a left once he was outside the gates, a right at the next crossroads, straight on for a few blocks, and there was Gabriel's Candy Emporium! The familiar silhouettes   of Meg and Ruby were looking through the sweets, trying to decide which spoils they would spend their allowance on today. Everything was as it should be. But wait....... Who was that boy that Meg was talking to?

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