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Kayla's P.O.V

"Stamp on the ground, jump, jump, jump, jump. Move it all around do, dodo, doooo" Brooke sang horribly off key. She swayed from side to side.  

"Whoops" she cried as she lost her balence and stumbled over 

in her six inch high heels. 

"BROOKE!!" me and June cried in unison, running over to her and pulling her back up. We both linked our arms through hers for extra support as she was clearly drunk.  

"LET ME DO MY DANCE!" Brooke yelled.  

"No" I said sternly.  

"Kaylaaaaaa" Brooke moaned. "AAAAHHHHH!!! THERE'S A SIPER IN YOUR HAIR". Brooke wacked me around my head and ran out onto the dark road.  

I groaned at her stupidity.  

She started to do the macerania which set me and June off inti fits of giggles.  

"MOVE BROOKE!!" I yelled a tad too late... 

It all happened in slow motion.  

A car came speeding along the road and smashed straight into Brooke. It just sped off as she fell limp and lifless to the ground.  

The road was once more quiet and I burst into tears.  

June started to sob and she sunk to the ground.  

I slowly made my way over to Brooke's criptled body. I sat beside her and clutched onto her cold hand.  

"Is she okay?" A voice asked me.  

I shook my head in reply as I knew she was gone.  

"My friend is calling an ambulance" the voice said.  

I looked up and saw that the voice bellonged to a boy. Well I wouldn't really call him a boy, he looked in his late teens.  

I nodded once again and began to sob.  

The guy looked around my age, I could make out that he was tall, slim, had blonde spiked up hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes.  

I put Brooke's hand down, hugged my knees and started to rock back and forward.  

"Shhh, it'll be okay" the guy assured me, sitting down and pulling me close to him.  

I don't care who he is, I just need a hug.  

"The ambulance will be here in a few" another guy said. He was shorter then the blonde and had a mop of dark brown curls. He said on my other side. "It's alright love" he told me, squeezing my hand for support.  

"B..but it's not" I cried. "It will never be alright. Brooke is dead!".  

"What was she to you?" The curly one asked me.  

"My best friend" I whispered into the dead of night.  

"I'm sorry love, I'm Brad by the way. That's Tristan who is er... hugging you. Our mates Connor and James are with your other friend".  

"June" I said.  

"Want to talk about her?" Tristan asked me about Brooke.  

"Yeah" I mumbled as I turned to June.  

She was still sitting on the side of the path, sobbing but she was joined by two blonde guys.  

"B-Brooke was amazing" I cried and both of the boys wrapped their arms around me.  

"Shhh, she's in a better place now" Brad told me. 

How would he know? 

I could hear the sirens of the ambulance not far off.  

"Maybe we should move" I suggested quietly.  

The three of us got up and stood next to Brooke's body as the flashing lights of the ambulance came into view.  

Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.  

With difficulty I explained what had happened to the ambulance man.  

Brad and Tristan stood on either one of my sides the whole time. 

June was still sitting on the side of the path, crying her dark blue eyes out.  

Something caught my eye, it was Brooke's phone.  

I picked it up and handed it to the ambulance man before they left.  

"This is Brooke's phone, it'll have her parents numbers, I'm Kayla if you need me" I said inbetween sobs.  

"Thanks love, I'm sorry. We'll do what we can" And with that they left.  

Along with all my hope, 

all my joy 

and all I ever had.

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