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"So,Jaron."I begin "Tell me about Carter."

"What do you want to know?"He asks cautiously,looking from Estella to me.Its two o'clock and Carter has been gone for two hours already.I'm honestly beginning to worry,because no one seems to know where he is.

After searching the entire house with Jaron,and Estella,I decided we would've found him if he wanted to be found.Estella suggested I just give him some space,and I don't really know what that means.However,I took her advice,knowing she has had more relationships than I ever could.

Now we're sitting around in the sunroom,eating sandwiches and sipping lemonade.I feel awfully cliché at the moment,and I'm not sure why.

I shrug."Whatever you wanna tell me.I only know the things my daddy told me."I admit.

"I'm guessing they're not very nice things,huh?"I nod. "Well,clear your mind of all those thoughts."

"Done!"I chirp.

"Alright.Well,he's twenty-three,his full name is Carter Eugene Jones.He would rather use his first name when people adress him because he's not very fond of his last name,for reasons I can't tell you.He has to do it on his own.He has three siblings.His older sister,Ciara,lives in London with her mate.His older brother,Carson,as you know lives here now.And then his younger sister,Courtney,lives here also."He stops,letting me take in the information.If Ciara didn't take the Alpha position,then why didn't Carson take it?

Usually,when the first child of an Alpha somehow doesn't take the Alpha position,it goes to their second child.If they don't have a second child,it goes to the beta's son.That's how it's always been,or that's what I've always known.

I'm beginning to doubt the things my father has told me over my seventeen years of living.I don't believe he's a liar,no.I just think,maybe he told me a few fibs,when we were growing up.

"So,why is Ciara in London?"Estella asks.She sends me a smirk,knowing I was going to ask that.

"Her mate is the Beta of a pack there."I nod my head.That makes sense.I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her. "Yeah you will.She comes back home for summer,and every other year for holidays.This year,she and her husband will be with us."

"Oh I said that out loud."I say,blushing.I need to learn how to control my thoughts,and what comes out my mouth.

"Anyway.." Jaron continues, "That's about all you really need to know.If there's anything else,you might have to ask Carter."

"Is he bipolar?"I blurt out.

"Nope.He just has a short fuse,certain words tick him off."I nod again.That's good,real good.I don't think I could handle him if he was bipolar.

"And why does he and Carson,like hate each other?"I blurt out again,not thinking.Seriously,I need to work on that.

"They don't hate each other.They just...aren't very fond of one another.It's a long story."

"We have time."Estella chimes in.We both look at him expectantly.

"Actually,we don't." I frown, "Carson just told me he wants to see you in his study.C'mon,I'll show you the way."

Rolling my eyes,I follow Jaron,with Estella right behind me.We walk through the dining hall,up a long winding staircase,and down a quiet hall.I'm watching the placement of my feet,so I don't notice when Jaron stops in front of a door,and I run into him.

"Excuse you."He says,in a joking manner.Jaron has been nothing but nice to me since I met him,and I'm thankful.I have a feeling he'll be the only one this way.

"Whatever."I mutter,rolling my eyes."Just knock already." I hiss,suddenly feeling aggravated.

He knocks,and we stand still,waiting for an answer.It seems like an hour that we stand here.What is taking him so freakin' long?

"Come in."A husky voice on the other side of the door says.Jaron takes to long opening the door,so I push him away,and open it myself.He mutters something I can't quite hear,and crosses his arms.Should've opened the door quicker then,stupid.

I don't know why,but I'm so infuriated I'm getting dizzy.Slowly,I walk into the room,the other two following.Carter is sitting in a black office chair,behind a mahogany desk,with two,black chairs in front.It looks like a regular,boring old study if you ask me.

There's two large windows on the right side of the room,a bookshelf standing in the middle.A few pictures hang on the walls,gathering dust.Yeah,it's rather plain.

"We'll be going now,Alpha."Jaron says,grabbing Estella's hand.

"No.I want all of you here.Sit."He orders.Silently,I walk over to one of the chairs and sit,turning my body towards tbe windows.I don't hear anything he says after that.Actually,I hear it all,but decide to not think about it.I glare out the window,gripping the arms of the chairs tightly.My stomach churns and I feel lightheaded.

"Sky."I ignore Estella,as I grip the seat tighter,trying not to fall out of it."Skylenn."

"What the hell's up with her?"The desire to claw out Jaron's throat begins to boil inside me.I ignore it,swallowing the bile that rises in my throat.

"Skylenn look at me."Carter demands.Who does he think he is?He's not my dad.

"Shut the hell up."I growl, "All of you."

"Excuse you?You must be talking to them two."Estella says,getting up and walking over to me.Crouching down,she looks me in the eyes. "What is it?"

"Leave me alone."I snap,turning my head away from her.

"You look sick."She comments,moving a piece of hair from my face.She gasps. "You don't have it,do you?"

I raise my eyebrows.Have what,exactly?I don't know what I'm suppose to be having.

"No.No,no,no,no.Oh God this isn't good."She mutters,grabbing my arm,and yanking me up.

"What isn't good?Estella what the hell is wrong with her?"Carter growls,getting up and following us.He blocks the doorway with his body,crossing his arms. "Where are you going with my mate?"

"Carter,Alpha I need you to move the hell out the way.Now."

"Why!Tell me what's wrong with her."He shouts,pointing at my limp body.I lean onto Estella,putting my bodyweight on hers.

"We have to go.Carter move!"Bile rises in my throat,and this time I can't swallow it.I puke up on Carter's shoes,falling to my knees.My hands hold me up,as I bend down,puking continuously.Estella drops next to me,rubbing my back.

"We'll go to my house and go get it,okay?"I barely nod,still throwing up.

"Get what?"Carter asks again,sounding almost desperate to know.

"Her medication."

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