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Medication?Medication for what?

I've been keeping tabs on the entire Richard's family.Not once did something come up about Skylenn having an illness.If there was,I wouldn't have overlooked it,I swear.

"Carter pay attention to the road!"Jaron's yell brings me back to reality.I swerve around a deer,barely missing it in time.

We were currently driving to Estella's house,for Sky's medicine.Apparently,she has an extra stash of it,just in case Skylenn ever forgets hers.

She has yet to tell me what it's for,and I'm really anxious about it.

"It's right there,the blue house on the left."Estella says,pointing her finger all in my face.

"Move your hand before we crash."I growl,irritated as ever.This Estella girl is getting on my last nerve.She may be Sky's best friend,and my best friend's mate,but she is annoying as hell.All she's done since she's met me,and since Sky's passed out,was growl every time I try to touch her.

I don't know how deep of a bond they have,but I feel like it's going to get in the way of my relationship with my mate.There's one thing I hate,and it's when people try stopping me from what I want.

No one will stop us from being with our mate!
Calm down will ya?I can handle this.

I pull up to the house,and park on the curb.Before Estella can even get out,I'm out the car,and holding Sky in my arms,cradling her.Estella looks at me,hatred in her eyes,but doesn't say anything.She knows that I'm her Alpha now,and whatever I do or say,goes.

She rolls her eyes,and walks up the driveway to her front door.She unlocks the door,and holds it open as I walk in with Sky.The light comes on,illuminating the house.It's a small,comfortable looking house.

I'm guessing her favorite color is blue,because everything in it is blue.The couches,the pillows,the curtains,the carpet.Heck,even the Tv is blue!

"Damn."I mutter,looking around.

"Set her on the couch,and I'll go get her meds.Don't touch anything."She growls out the last part,glaring at me more than Jaron.See?I haven't even did anything..yet!

She walks up a set of stairs,and disappears.I turn my attention to the small couch,and gently lay Sky down.I sit next to her,and lay her head on my lap.

"So.."Jaron sits on the love seat  opposite of us.

"So what?"I urge,raising an eyebrow.

"So.. what do you think about Estella?"He scratches the back of his neck and looks at me awkwardly.

I shrug. "She's cool."

"You're lying."

"No,I'm serious.She's okay."Instead of looking at him,I stare at Sky.She's so beautiful..

"Carter,man,seriously.What do you think about her?"He sounds so desperate to hear my answer.

"Jaron for real,she's cool.I mean,she annoys the hell outta me,and glares me to death,but I can see why,I guess.I'm now dating her best friend,and I guess she thinks I'm going to tear them apart.It's not my intention to do that,and she'll figure it out later.But..she's cool."I shrug.

"'re saying you don't like her?"He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Shut up."I chuckle,shaking my head.He opens his mouth to say something else,but closes it as we hear Estella coming back.

"Get her to sit up,I'll get a cup of water so she can swallow them."She hands me four orange pill bottles,and walks through a door,which leads to her kitchen,I'm guessing.

"What are they for?"Jaron asks,eyeing the bottles in disgust.The idea of taking pills doesn't settle right with him.It always freaks him out when we have to take our monthly pill.It's a rather amusing sight to see him being held down by several nurses,just to swallow a pill.

I squint at the small print,looking at the complex words."Idunno.It's a jumble of letters to me.Here." I toss the bottles to him,and watch as he attempts to read them.

"Uhm..all I know,is this one is like some type of, antidepressant."He says,raising an eyebrow in my direction.Antidepressant?She has depression?I don't see how I  could've overlooked that.

"I'll let her tell me,when she wakes up."He nods,and tosses the bottles back to me.

"Okay,here."Estella walks back in with a tall glass of water.She hands it to me,and stands there.


"Hurry up!Gosh you're slow."She mumbles the last part,rolling her eyes.

"Shut up."I sit Sky's body up against mine,her head on my shoulder.Her mouth is open slightly,and you have to be completely silent to hear her small snores.I open the first bottle,after reading the prescribed amount,I push a small,pink pill into her mouth,along with a sip of water.

I do that until I get to the supposed antidepressants. Looking over the prescribed amount,I see it says three pills.

Three!For what?She can't be that depressed,can she?Oh goddess I hope not.

"Carter,man hurry before she wakes up."Jaron urges.Sighing,I take out three pills,and slip them into her mouth,with a bit of water for each pill.

Sky's nose scrunches up,and she starts moving around."Carter,"She mutters,and grabs at my shirt. "Carter."

"Right here babe.I'm right here,shh."I whisper,setting her in my lap and holding her tight.Her eyes flutter open,she blinks a few times,then starts coughing.I softly pat her back with one hand,and hold onto her waist with the other.

"You okay?"She nods,and wraps her arms around my neck,burying her head in the crook of my neck.

Silence fills the room,as no one makes any attempt to speak.I'm about to say something,when Jaron speaks up.

"Alpha we need to go."He says,removing Estella from his lap.He whispers something in her ear,and hands her his phone and keys.

"What's wrong?"I question, setting Sky back on the couch.

"We have rogues surrounding the pack."He says,walking towards the door.Estella and Sky make a move to follow us,but I stop them.

"No.You two stay here,we can't risk your safety."

"But I'm a warrior wolf!I should be fighting!"Estella argues.

"Not anymore.You're a female Beta,and your priority isn't to fight.It's to keep your Luna safe,understand?"I ask,using my Alpha voice.

"Yes,Alpha Carter."She mutters through gritted teeth.

"Carter."I turn to Sky,who's biting her lip.


"You better come back to me.Or I'll resurrect you,and slap the taste outta your mouth."She threatens,pulling me into a hug.

I chuckle,but hug her back."Imma always come back to you,babygirl.Promise." I kiss her cheek,and follow Jaron out the door.As we drive off,they look at us through the window,waving.

Moon Goddess please let me make it back to her.I just found her,I can't lose her,please.

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