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He's going to yell.He's going to scream his lungs out,and maybe rip a kid's head off.Yeah,that's exactly what he's going to do.

Slowly,I shift my eyes to the side so I can look at him.He hasn't moved an inch,and his facial expression is unreadable.

Or maybe he'll just stand here like a madman.

"Good morning,Alpha Carter."Everyone in the kitchen bows their heads slightly, and mumbles.Yet,he stands here,holding my hand,and not moving one bit.

"Are you not going to acknowledge your Luna?"His voice comes out smooth,and calm.There's nothing implying that he's about to go crazy on them.

"Uh..who's our Luna?"They look me up and down,some stare longer than I'd like.Some girls roll their eyes,while others snort.A few boys lick their lips,and wink my way,trying to be flirtatious.I place my empty hand over my mouth,trying not to laugh loudly.Typical boys.

"I thought Verrona was our Lu-"A boy,maybe a year older than me begins.He looks nervous,as Carter cuts him off.

"Well she's not."Carter growls,gripping my hand tighter.I raise an eyebrow at him,questioning his sudden mood change.Who's Verrona,and why would she be taking my Luna place? Wait a minute,my Luna place?No.No,it's not mine to take or give away.It doesn't belong to me.It can't belong to me.

"This is your Luna.Skylenn."He continues.

"But Alpha,she's from the Midnight pack!"A leggy brunette whines.Her voice hurts my ears,making my face scrunch up in disgust,not on purpose.I roll my eyes at her,and turn my body to Carter.

"I'm really freakin' hungry Carter. Get your stupid little mutts in check."I whisper-yell.These greasy little kids,have not only trashed a beautiful kitchen,but are keeping me from eating.

There's a few things of mine that you don't mess with,one being my food.I am starving, and they want to complain about this irrelevant Luna situation.

"You will not talk about my pack members that way.You need to be respectful."He demands,glaring me down.

"Respect is earned,not given." I say,quoting what my dad always says to defend his rude behavior. It's something I've began to believe.You need to earn respect, it can't just be handed out like free gift cards.We're not on The Oprah Winfrey show,where everyone gets a prize.

"Really?" I nod. "Well then you earn their respect,babygirl."He lets go of my hand,walking towards a screen door by the sink in the kitchen. "Clean up."He demands,before walking out the door,slamming it shut.

The warm feeling in my body is long gone,as I stare at the door he just walked out of.He did not just leave me in here,alone.I'm not alone,but you know what I mean.This is just ridiculous!

I never asked the Moon Goddess for a bipolar mate,definitely not an enemy Alpha,bipolar mate.His mood literally changed the second I finished my sentence.It's not my fault he doesn't have the same morals that I do,now is it?No.

If I have to respect his posse of rabid dogs,then I guess I will.I have a feeling I won't be back at my own pack anytime soon.

Your pack?This is your pack Sky.
No Candy,it's not.I don't belong here.
Why not?We're all werewolves,are we not?
Yes,we are.I just know where I belong,and it's not here.I know what's best for me.
Pfft,yeah whatever.

For the second time in two hours,Candy shuts me out,retreating to the back of my mind.Sighing,I turn on my heel,ready to leave,when a hand grabs my arm.

I whip my head back to see Carter's brother.Carson,I think his name is.He grins at me,still holding onto my arm.Raising an eyebrow,I look down at his hand,then back up to him,hoping he gets the message.

"Oh."He lets me go,and takes a step back."Where you going,hot stuff?"Here we go with this nickne again.

"Where are you going?"Feeling rather stubborn,I answer his question with another.

"I asked you first."He states.


"So,you have to answer me first.Duh,hot stuff."

"Carson?If that's your name,I don't feel like talking to you right now.I'd love it,if you would let me go back to my room."I say.

"Woah,I'm sorry.What's wrong,my douche of a brother slept with Verrona?"There goes that name again!Who is this Verrona chick?

"Excuse me?"I question.

"Oh you know,Verrona Wavery,his fuck buddy."Why does her name sound so familiar?Wavery.Wavery,Wavery,Wavery.Verrona Wave- I know!She used to go to Lincoln High,with me.

Verrona is one of the dirtiest girls I've ever known.She sleeps with any,and everyone she can get her grimy little hands on.The thought of her touching my mate makes me want to punch someone.Ugh.

"Oh that's nice."Keeping my voice void of emotion,I smile,a fake smile,and walk back towards the elevator.I desperately need my best friend's curing.I haven't seen her since her mate carried her away,last night.

Of course he's in Carter's pack,I mean the Moon Goddess cares enough about me,to let me keep her.All I have to do is figure out who he is,and where he took her."Carson." I call,pushing the elevator button.

"Yes hot stuff?"

"Are there any other,newly mated males?"I question.

"Uh,yeah.Beta Jaron."

"Thanks!"I smile cheekily at him,before getting onto the elevator.Once the doors slide shut,I slide down the wall,and sit,wrapping my arms around my knees.

Being Luna to this pack is just going to add on extra stress,and I don't need that.I've desperately wanted to follow in my mother's footsteps until today.She's an amazing Luna to our pack,and that's just something I can't be.Let's face it..I don't really favor people.

The doors open,revealing a happy looking couple,holding hands and smiling at each other.

"Excuse me."I mumble,bumping past them,brushing shoulders with the girl.Beginning my search for Estella,I hear my name.

"Skylenn!Sky!"Turning to the direction of the elevators,I'm blinded by a figure tackling me to the ground,in a massive bear hug."I thought you died." She mumbles.

"Yeah Estella,I totally died.I just left you here in this cruel world,all alone."I giggle,hugging her back.

"I wish you would try.I'd resurrect you."We both laugh,until our stomachs start aching,and tears are flowing from our eyes.Now that I have her back,I'll be able to take this pack,head on.

Alpha's babygirlWhere stories live. Discover now