Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Early January

"Alright, class." I said to my seventh years "With December being over, the first term is over. That means we are moving on to our next unit. House elf imprisonment. I will be assigning the same paragraph for you to do about house elves. I had to dock points from some of you." My eyes look to Percy and Penelope "I will do that again."

An hour later, I dismiss the class. "Remember your paragraphs!" I call after them.
"Hello professor!" Hermione announces as she entered the classroom
"Hello Hermione." I sigh. "Where are Ron and Harry-" They just walked through the door.
"But- you were just- How'd you get here before us?" Ron stuttered
"Mr. Weasley, kindly take your seat, quietly." I plead
"Yes professor." He mumbles. The class slowly starts to fill up with the rest of my third years.

THe class went on with a short lecture about the end of the goblin wars. I notice a few kids fall asleep so I decide to have some fun. I lower my voice and instruct the class.

"I have noticed that two among us have fallen asleep during my lecture." I say slowly "I want you all to gather your things and go to the back of the class quietly. Try not to wake the two boys." A few kids snicker but follow my instructions. "Stay here for a moment and I will be right back."

I exit the class and see a certain poltergeist about to deface the walls around the hallway. "Peeves." I whisper "I need you help."
A few moments later, I re enter the room. I hold a finger up to my lips toward the other students as Peeves floats over to the sleeping bodies.

Two large water balloons crash over their heads. They bolt upright.
"Mr. Weasley! Mr. Crabbe!" I scream. the pair of them look terrified. I just lean against my deck with a wide smirk. The rest of the class burst out laughing.
"You fell asleep in my class." I say calmly.
"I- I'm so- sorry." The two of them sutter.
"Detention. Be here at seven. No later." I order "The rest of you are dismissed. Go to lunch."

I myself gather my things and head to the great hall.
"So is it true?" Remus asked me.
"Is what true?" I say warily
"You woke a kid up in your class with water balloons?"
"No. It's not true. It was two kids, and I merely failed to stop Peeved from doing that." I say innocently
Remus laughs. "I might just use that." He admits
"What are you talking about? The students love your class! No one would dare to fall asleep! they might miss something." he blushes.
"What've we got for lunch today?" he changes the subject
"Chicken pot pie." I tell him
"Yum!" he laughs
"Did you hear the drama over Harry Potter?" I say quietly
"What happened?" Remus asks in between bites
"He got a Firebolt for Christmas in an unmarked package." I gossip
Remus freezes, mid-chew. He slowly swallows.
"Do you think...?" he trails off
"Minerva certainly thinks so." I mumble
"What classes have you got next?" He changes the subject again.
The conversation takes a turn to the more mindless variety.


Late March

It was barely dusk on the night of the full moon. Remus was about to lock himself in his office. After much convincing, he decided to let me stay with him for the night. I was just leaving my office to head to the next classroom to where Remus was waiting.

I knock softly, twice, on his door.
"Hello," I smiled sweetly at him.
"Hi." he grumbled irritably. I have learned not to take it personally at this time of the month.

Remus took a swig of a vile looking potion from a goblet sitting on his desk. He gagged on it but forced it down, just the same. His body twitched a little.
"You should transform." He muttered to me. I nod and do as he asked. I flap my little wings and sit on his desk.

Remus' body started to jerk around and almost pulled him in different directions.
"You should leave later to get some sleep." he groaned through it all. I hooted softly to show my understanding. His body continued his involuntary movements until he was a grotesque wolf. He reared on his back legs and howled before collapsing into a deep slumber. I jumped from the desk and landed beside him.

Even with the wolfsbane potion it wasn't safe for me to be a human around him, so I couldn't risk transforming when it was time to leave. I had to jump out the window and fly over to my office.

Once I got back to my room, I quickly undressed and fell asleep pretty almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I was awoken to the sound of shuffling feet.

"Go away."I mumbled, still half asleep.
A short snort of laughter erupted from a body nearby. It couldn't have been farther than a couple paces. I bolt upright. Panic ensued from the noise of the intruder. My eyes were open wide, trying to pear through the darkness that veiled around me.
"Who's there?" I could hear my voice shaking.
"Lost your confidence, eh, Seph?" A male voice laughed through the pitch black space between us.
"Who are you?" I repeated. I put some false confidence in there for his amusement. "Show yourself."

A tall, lanky body stepped into the moonlight streaming through the window. His hair was a ratty mess with a black to rival mine. His eyes looked like a dull gray, staring directly at me.
"Sirius Black." I whisper. Waves of horror pass through my chest. It weighed me down with intense pressure, trying to suffocate me.
"Persephone Black." He greeted me
"I'm not her." I cry softly
"You can drop the act, Seph. We both know I was never the one meant to land in Azkaban." He rolled his eyes.
"I'm not her." I insist again
"You were the who killed them." he growled. "Not me."
"If you don't leave, I'll- I'll scream" I stutter.
"Oh, how the mighty have fallen." He laughed "I'm not even armed."
I nod to the knife in his hand "Yes you are." I whisper.
"I haven't even got a wand." He points out.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you know wandless magic." I mattur "Wouldn't He have taught you that?"
"Your one to talk." he shot back
"I'm not her!" I shout. I reach for my wand at my bedside. Black didn't have time to react before my wand was at his throat.
"So where'd you learn that?" he asked smugly
"Fight or flight instincts," I insist after hesitating.
"You were alway good on your feet." he mused.
"Why are you speaking of her fondly if you seem to think you're innocent?" I shot back.
"We ended on relatively good terms." He seemed to be reflecting on a past event. "You were wanting to leave them after He killed Regulus."
"Who's Regulus?" I ask slowly
"Our brother." He said simply
"I'm not her!" I yell again. I dig my wand into his throat.
"Jinx me. I dare you." he sneered
"You think you're in a place to be saying that, Black?" I growl "I'm the one with the wand. You seem to think I'm some cold blooded killer, so what's to say I won't do it?"
"Ah- the million dollar question." he smirked "You don't think you're a cold blooded killer, though. That is the limiting factor."

He'd caught me. We both knew I couldn't do anything. I pulled my wand down and stepped back. I sank to my knees and felt the tears fall down my cheek.

"Give me your wand." He ordered. I slowly raised my hand and handed him the butt end of my wand.
"I want you to remember, Percy." he spoke softly
"I don't want to." I sobbed.
"I'm sorry." he insisted.

'How odd.' I thought to myself 'A serial killer apologising for killing me. Maybe he feels remorse. No, it can't be. He killed all those people and seems unaffected by it.'

"Stupefy" he mumbled.

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