Chapter Nine
“FUCK SHIT BITCH ASS!” Ralph had obviously lost against yet another kid at Chuck-E-Cheese. I look over my shoulder to find him punching the basketball hoop game, where the triumphant kid was smugly waiting for Ralph to hand him his five tokens he had bet on.
I look back and Jodie is still clinging to my arm tightly, ranting on about her family trip to... Alabama? Georgia? Ah, fuck it, I wasn’t paying any attention to her. I really just wanted to talk to Dhani and explain everything to her. I felt like a gigantic douche-bag.
“Jodie... I’m terribly sorry, but I have to go.” I gnawed my arm away from her hands and ran over to Ralph. “We are getting out. Now.”
“But... I have all of these tickets.... I really want to use them! I’ve never gotten this many!” Ralph rubbed the tickets in my face.
“Ralph, seriously. We need to leave.”
“Can I just...”
“FINE!” He flings his pile of tickets into the kid next to him, cusses a few more times and storms out of the place I now call hell. I ran out and caught up to him.
“I’m sorry about that. I should’ve let you use the tickets.”
“I don’t care, anymore. Let’s just get to Cali-stupid and forget about it. I really want to forget that the last few days even happened. Considering I’ve had to act as the designated driver this ENTIRE time, I think I deserve something. I want to get back to the sun. This country sucks like Paris Hilton.”
I stare at Ralph for a while. “Alright, let’s leave. Let’s get to Cali-tarded.”
Ralph ran his hands through his hair and walked down the sidewalk. “I need to go somewhere first. Something I need to do.”
I sighed and yelled out to him, “WHAT THE HELL IS IT NOW?!”
“So, come here often?” An over aged woman was checking me out from the bar. I still had my fake-ID from when I went to a bar for a quite crazy New Year’s Eve party. It had worked after I had slipped him a twenty. I just needed some beer.
“Um, no. this is my first time in California, actually.”
“Really? My boy, you need to see the fabulous place that is California!”
“Sorry, but I have somewhere to go.” I pushed the shot glass back and turned around. “Fuck You” by Cee-Lo Green was playing the background. It summed up my feelings perfectly.
I stood outside trying to hail a cab, Jesus Christ these people are psychotic drivers.
“Taxi!” I yelled for the fourth time, this time a taxi actually stopped. I climbed inside and turned to see a slender girl with black and white glasses, a Flash hoodie, red and black Nikes, dark skinny jeans and a long high ebony ponytail.
“Excuse me, Miss? But I believe I hailed this cab first.” I said as politely as I could.
“‘Miss’ First time I’ve been called that. Actually, I hailed it first.” She said, fixing her glasses.
“Oh, I’m sorry then.” I reached for the door “I’ll find another.”
She grabbed my arm “Don’t be silly, we can split it. Where you headin’?”
“To Bennett, Inc.” I sat back down as the cab started to move.
“Ya don’t say? I’m Lola Miranda.” She told me, smiling.