PWS Chapter 5

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*Note: I call the mothers Auntie, but they are not Ariel's real Aunties. [Auntie Anne - Mrs. Green and Auntie Trisha - Mrs. Hopkins] Same goes for the fathers in the future chapters, they are not Ariel's real uncles. [Uncle James - Mr. Green and Uncle Gary - Mr. Hopkins]*  


As I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands, Auntie Trisha caressed my black long hair with hairspray.

"All done! Look." she said.

I opened my eyes and I saw an unfamiliar girl. I had beautiful waves of curls that took the place of my knotty uncombed hair. My long black hair was turned to something that I'd never imagine it would look like.

"Wow, auntie! I love it! I look...beautiful!" I said mesmerized.

"Why did you say it so surprised? Of course your beautiful! She can't make an ugly person beautiful. She works with what she's got." Auntie Anne exclaimed.

I blushed at her remark.

"Exactly! You own beauty on the outside. You should start owning beauty on the inside sweetie..." my mom pitched in. They, including Jules, nodded at me. I felt kind of bad that I didn't own my beauty. I'm always insecure on how I look, but I can see why I shouldn't be.

"Thank you all so much! I'm ready..." I exclaimed.

"Hold up! I need to do your makeup!" my mom replied.

Makeup...ughh just the thought of more stickiness on my face makes me cringe.

"Greaaaat..." I sarcastically said.

"Good. You get your daughter ready and we'll have our daughters get dressed now. It's almost 4:00!" Auntie Trisha said as she and Auntie Anne pushed Jules out.

"But wait, I promised Ari I'd be here with her, I can't jus-" she rambled.

"No I'm ok Jules. You just get dressed" I interrupted slyly. I knew she didn't wanna get dressed at all. Jules then narrowed her eyes at me and mouthed the words,

"Oh you're so gonna get it" as she was pushed down the stairs to Kylie and Domo.

I laughed and looked at my mom as she was preparing the eyeshadows and foundation. She was so beautiful with her high cheeks and her no wrinkled face. I guess I had to get my beauty from somewhere.

She then grabbed a clean cosmetic sponge, squeezed the liquid foundation gently out of the bottle, and applied it to my caramel face. It was amazing how graceful she looked doing anything. She could be cutting down a tree and shed do it gracefully.

"You're so beautiful Ari. If he wasn't already, Shane will be falling head over heels for you tonight." she said as she smeared the foundation to my face.

"Thanks mom. But I'm kind of nervous." I admitted.

"I know. I was too when I went to prom with your dad." she said as she opened the eyeshadow case and decided which shadow would look better, peach or light brown.

"How'd you get over it?" I asked as she picked the light brown.

"Close your eyes.", referring to the makeup," I realized that he loved me and I loved him. And because of that, I knew I was going to be ok." she sighed as she brushed my eye lids with the shadow.

"But how do you know he loved you? Or in fact anyone loves you?" I said with my eyes closed.

I felt the brushing stop and she then proceeded to outline under my eye and over my eye with eyeliner.

"You just know sweetie. Like you and Shane. You'll find that inner feeling when you see him tonight." she said as she capped on the pencil eyeliner.

"How?" I asked, opening my eyes.

My mom then put down all the makeup and looked me into the eyes.

"Once you see him in his tux, you'll know why I'm so giddy about prom. Those feelings of nervousness and anxiety will all disappear and your heart will let you know that this is where you're supposed to be. The Lord has, is, and will shine upon you. That's all that matters. Of course...having fun is too!" she explained and giggled her speech to me then proceeded to the blush.

I smiled at her. She was more beautiful than ever. I'm glad I have her in my life.

"Thanks mom. I love you." I sincerely said.

And as she glossed my lips up, she stood up straight, she said,

"I love you too baby girl!" and she hugged me. Then she said, "Now let's get into that dress, shall we!"

I laughed and followed her where the other girls were. Everything was going to be alright. I just know it.  


Thanks y'all for reading chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed it.



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