PWS Chapter 3

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Shane's P.O.V.

I pressed on the doorbell to the Battle's house. My dad was right beside me smiling his bright smile. Is it weird that I'm kind of nervous?

The door opened, hoping it would be Ariel, so I stood up straight. But unfortunately, it was just her mother. Not that I don't like her and all but I'd rather see Ariel and her beautiful morning hair. Her hair's usually down and uncombed. All natural, just the way I like it. It also smells like strawberries too, which I secretly love. Ughh I'm such a wimp.

"Hello Belinda! How are you this morning?" my dad exclaimed.

"I'm doing well. Oh my!! You guys are here already!!" Mrs. Battle squealed, hugging us quickly. "Ariii!! Grab your stuff!! We are going next door!! " she screamed upstairs. "Come in. Come in. Chase and Mark are in the living room." she explained.

We stepped into the big open house, and immediately I smelled her famous and delicious chocolate chip pancakes.

"Are those...??" I said mesmerized by the smell.

"Yes , yes they are! Chocolate chip pancakes. I made them especially for this occasion. Grab a plate you guys while I try to get Ari out of here!" she peeped.

"My pleasure." my dad said rubbing his hands together.

"Mark, sweetie!!! Chase dear!! James and Shane are here!" she yelled. It's amazing how big a voice she has with such a small fragile body.

She then scurried her way to the front door and reopened it. Over the smell of chocolate chip pancakes, I could smell the strawberry scent I loved. Ari. But before I could say or see anything, Mrs. Battle closed the door shut and I had no chance to see her.

Just then, Chase came running in with a football, with Mr. Battle right behind him.

"Hey bro! You ready?" Chase said as we greeted each other.

"Ready as I'll ever be.." I sighed.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Chase questioned. But before I could answer, my dad was chomping on the pancakes and man hugging Mr. Battle saying,

"He's nervous about today with your daughter, Mark." he smirked at me.

"Ohh you've got a fancy with my daughter ehh?" as he shook my hand hard.

"Yes sir." I gulped.

"Knew it would be someday, you'd finally realize you are in love with her." Mr. Battle laughed.

"Wait what?" I was caught off guard. In love? No way? I just really have deep feelings for her ever since that play date where she gave me her juice box because mine had a hole in it and was leaking.

"You'll learn soon enough" as Mr. Battle shrugged off and went with my dad to the living room while I chased Chase off to the backyard.

The backyard was big and open with a beautiful garden and the old treehouse in the corner. I remember when Ari, Chase, and I would hide in there when we got in trouble. The adults were so big they couldn't climb up the ladder without breaking any of it. A great hideout.

Once I got out to the yard, I was ambushed by the Battle's Labrador , Thunder. There was a reason why he's called Thunder. He's big as the treehouse.

"Hey boy! How's it going?? You missed me. They don't treat you right here, do they boy?" I roughed him up.

"Shut it, lover boy ! We take care of him just fine." Chase teased as he threw Thunder's chew toy across the yard.

"Man! Do you really believe what our dads said about me? Being in lovvvvveee?" I said as I laughed.

"Yeah I do bro." Chase said nonchalantly as he wrestled the chew toy out of Thunder's huge mouth.

"What? How can you say that? I'm not a sucker!" I exclaimed.

"You're not a sucker." he replied.

"Good." I said.

"Your a sucker in loooovvve!" he blurted out.

"Shuut up man! I'm not in lovvvve with Ari!" I shrugged him off. At least I don't think I am.

"Yes you are man" Jack and Adam chimed in as they walked out into the yard. They just arrived and manly hugged Chase and me.

"What do you guys know!? Are you guys in love?!" I challenged them.

"Uh no bro, but we know what love looks like and Cupid definitely hit you with it" Adam explained.

"Yeah, it's so obvious. Everyone knows it except for you and her." Jack said.

"Just don't break her heart man. I'm not ready for crying and all that nonsense in my house" Chase retorted.

"Look guys!! I'll admit I like Ari very much, ever since I laid eyes on her brown eyes, and her white smile, and her fruity hair, and..." I rambled on and on.

"Fruity hair?!? Dude!! You got it bad!" Jack laughed.

"How do you know the smell of her hair? Do you sniff her when she's around you? Dang, creeper!" Chase teased.

"Hey guys! Lets stop. You don't want him to cry and pour out his feelings!!" Adam hysterically laughed with the two of them.

I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I knew I was in love. And I never even noticed it. Wow. I hope she feels the same way. And I think Chase knew what I was feeling because he soon said,

"Don't worry bro, she loves you back. You just gotta say it first" he smirked at me.

"Aight! Aight! Enough with the gushy feelings. I feel like I'm in a therapy class!!" Jack pushed me and Chase.

"Yeah, lets play, before we start talking about Jules and Chase. We'll be here all day for that" Adam said as he threw Chase's football to me.

Chase shook his head and smiled as I passed the ball to him so that I could make a run for it on the other end of the yard.

The guys were right, my feelings were for Ari, not for them. I just wonder how I'm gonna to say all these feelings I have for her in just one night.


I hope y'all liked Chapter 3! I decided to take the point of view of Shane. The guys side for a change. I'll go back to Ariel's POV the next chapter.



Please let me know what you guys think!

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